Reverse plan

After the wolves came running towards them, they both got on their horses and stopped after reaching a certain distance to see if Aragon would get killed by the pack. Giluks had ordered his men to carefully lure the whole pack, and they did as he said. They thought Aragon wouldn't have lasted against a pack, even if there were normal wolves.


However, Aragon killed them and scared them away. After killing them, he saw Giluks and Vaises watching him.


Then he moved swiftly towards them and killed Giluks.


Vaises watched in utter disbelief and, with widened eyes, stared at the head of Giluks. Aragon stood before Vaises, his sword dripping with the blood of Giluks. Vaises stared up at him in horror, still reeling from the suddenness of it all.