The Commander, Idoyope

Aragon and Vaises made their way through the forest, staying hidden until the cover of darkness. They emerged from the trees under the soft glow of the moon, their senses on high alert for any danger. As they stepped out into the open, they heard the unmistakable sound of galloping hooves. Aragon's hand instinctively went to his sword as they continued forward, ready for whatever lay ahead. The sound grew louder, and they could see the silhouette of a rider approaching.


But it was not an enemy that emerged from the darkness. Instead, it was Somandre and a few men, rushing toward them from the direction of the fortress. He halted when he saw Aragon, his bare chest covered in bloody wounds, and quickly approached the two young men.


"What happened?" he demanded, his eyes searching Aragon's battered form.