The jungle

The royal entourage made its way through the desert, flanked by soldiers both in front and behind, with knights guarding the carriage. The scorching sun beat down on them mercilessly, and the sand dunes seemed to stretch on forever. Despite the harsh conditions, the group pressed on.

Udora and Norchelle were sitting in the carriage, along with the king and queen. Leanna insisted that they also join them.

Aragon was at the back, he was riding a horse, just like the soldiers. Aragon was devoid of emotion as he left the castle behind. With a single glance at Nuru, he departed while she was absorbed in gazing at her daughter.

Aragon was introduced as a swordsman in Udora's employ, and they treated him with friendliness.

The journey in the desert heat can be daunting, and it tests your perseverance and resilience. 

The group continued through the blistering heat of the desert, pressing on without pause, determined to quickly cross it.