Slaughter technique

Aragon then turned his gaze to the creature that killed Norchelle. 

That creature jumped at him, while the other creature stayed behind, not attacking anyone. 

Udora and the captain were standing motionless, flab-staggered. They couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of him. 

Aragon seemed to be out of his senses. But his gaze was focused on the creatures, not wavering even a little. He didn't even blink as his body was submerged in the unknown red energy. It was truly terrifying for the people who were watching him. More than the creatures, now Aragon seemed more like a monster to them, with unknown violent energy surging on him. 

The creature was five meters tall, making them look smaller in front of it. As it had a leaner body, it spiraled towards Aragon with great speed. 

With its tiny hands, which were equipped with claws. It aimed its claws against Aragon, trying to cut him in half.