Talk with Queen mother.

Aragon nodded, his expression resolute. "Indeed, loyalty can be exploited and twisted to serve the desires of those in power. It can blind individuals to their own true potential and suppress their freedom of choice."

Leanna's gaze softened, and a touch of admiration colored her voice. "You possess a discerning mind, Aragon," she acknowledged. "But tell me, in a world driven by alliances and allegiances, how does one navigate the treacherous waters without relying on loyalty?"

Aragon's lips curled into a sly smile, revealing a glint of cunning. "One must tread carefully," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief. "Trust becomes a calculated act, forged on the anvil of pragmatism. Loyalty may have its uses, but true power lies in the ability to discern when and where to bestow it."