Women of impact

Aragon's smirk widened, his confidence unshaken. "Absolute power possesses the ability to bend the very fabric of your reality. While I may not possess such strength at this moment, someday, I will definitely show you," he proclaimed, his voice laced with a resolute determination that hinted at the untapped potential lying dormant within him. 

Leanna looked at him with her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You are very bold, Aragon. And that is why I came to like you. An energetic and virile young man like you should have some patience," she remarked, her voice laced with a hint of fascination. "Not many would dare to challenge me in such a manner."

Leanna sighed, her gaze lingering on him. She dismissed the knights, and once again stood face-to-face with Aragon. There was a certain curiosity in her eyes, an appreciation for his audacity.