Battle begins

Merlena, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, leaned in closer, her voice a sultry whisper. "So, Aragon, have you always been so skilled with that sword of yours? Or is it a talent you've acquired through years of dedicated practice?"

Aragon remained, with his stoic face, and said, "A man's skill with a sword is not something easily revealed. It requires a delicate touch, precise movements, and a certain... finesse, if I have to say?"

She chuckled, her laughter floating through the night. "Finesse, you say? Well, Aragon, I must say I'm quite intrigued. Perhaps one day you could demonstrate your finesse in more... intimate settings."

His eyes sparkled with a mix of intrigue and desire. "Intimate settings, you say? Tell me, then, what kind of settings do you have in mind? A secluded chamber? Or perhaps a hidden alcove tucked away from prying eyes?"