On the field

Aragon got up and saw the one who killed the horse who was running at him. With a swift motion, he kicked the man in the stomach, sending him flying away.

Aragon was starting to feel the heat of the battle, his hands moved more swiftly, and his movements became unable to be traced as he moved forward, killing his way. Those soldiers were no match for him. 

However, the tide of battle was a tempestuous mistress. The numbers of Gwychards' forces seemed overwhelming, pressing upon Merlena's dwindling company with unrelenting force. 

Though each strike from their swords landed true, the weight of the opposing forces threatened to overpower them.

In the midst of the chaos, a couple of meters away from the battlefield, a group of onlookers, dressed in the attire of Gwychards' forces, observed the unfolding battle with a keen eye. One of them, holding a pair of binoculars to their eyes, scanned the tumultuous scene, searching for a specific figure.