Kneel before me

Elizleta's words hung in the tense air, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. "He is my half-brother, Yurulene," she explained, her eyes never leaving Aragon's. "My father sent him here to protect me." 


"You cannot kill him."


Aragon's piercing gaze shifted from Yurulene to Elizleta, a moment of consideration in his eyes. Then, he spoke with a voice as unyielding as the blade he held, "What if I did kill him?"


"You wouldn't dare." She hissed.


"But killing him would just give him peace." As he said, he moved towards Yurulene and slashed his sword, instantly cutting his right wrist and his sword hand.


Blood sprayed from Yurulene's severed hand as he cried out in pain, collapsing to the ground. Elizleta's eyes widened in horror, realizing the severity of Aragon's actions.