I am Aragon Daewynn

Elizleta stood motionless, her countenance drained of colour, and her voice caught in her throat. 

Horror welled in her eyes as she beheld the deep lacerations etched into the ground, a result of the dragon hovering above, its heavy breaths resonating with a hint of satisfaction. 

To Elviraa, the dragon, it seemed that Aragon might be a promising companion.

Katherynn and Freja, eyes wide with astonishment, were experiencing Aragon's unrestrained might for the first time since his arrival with the dragon. The unleashed power was grand, filling the atmosphere with a sense of awe and intimidation.

Leanna, meanwhile, was in turmoil. Clutching her son Ariade close, she struggled with indecision, torn by her maternal love and the dread rising within her.