
A murmur of outrage rippled through the tribesmen behind Rhaet. How dare these invaders make such demands after encroaching uninvited upon their lands? Rhaet's hand strayed instinctively to the bone handle of his curved dagger, but he willed himself to remain calm and inscrutable.

"You arrive unannounced and make demands of us?" Rhaet's deep voice was a low rumble. The leader of the invaders, a tall man with a cruel glint in his eye, smirked confidently.

"This castle and the desert sands surrounding it are ours by right of conquest. We did not beseech your lord's blessing to claim them."

The tribesmen started fingering weapon hilts, incensed by the audacious words. Rhaet held up a calming hand. Escalating violence would be premature and put his people at risk. He needed to find a way to defuse the situation without appearing weak or submissive. Rhaet's mind raced as he searched for a diplomatic solution that would protect his people and their land.