To the wedding

Gwychards, having secured the castle, revelled in the newfound power that coursed through his veins like wildfire. His once small band of followers had now swelled into a formidable force, with regional leaders pledging their allegiance to him one by one. Each oath of loyalty spoken in hushed tones echoed with the promise of a kingdom on the brink of change.

The legitimacy of Gwychards' claim to the throne grew stronger with each passing day, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the kingdom. Whispers of rebellion and dissent fluttered through the air like leaves caught in a tempest as lords and ladies alike weighed their options in the face of impending conflict.

As tensions simmered and alliances shifted, the once-stable power dynamics of the kingdom found themselves teetering on the brink of chaos. With every lord and noble eyeing their neighbours warily, the need to choose sides became an urgent imperative.