114. Beginning

3 Green Wyverns appear when Ben is climbing the cliff. The Wyverns are flying in a circle above Ben as if he is their prey. They want to intimidate him because he entered their territory. Also, Ben & Bella look delicious to them.

"You better leave before something bad happens to you," says Ben calmly.

The Wyverns understand Ben's words and look at each other. But they ignore it and roar at Ben before flying down at him.

"Sigh, you will live if you just ignore me. Alas, you bring it upon yourself," says Ben.

Ben raises his left hand and aims it toward the 3 Wyverns. Then, a dark purple magic circle appears on his left hand.

"Sun Dragon's Mighty Pull!"

The 3 Wyverns get pulled toward Ben at the same time. Ben prepares another spell as they get closer to him. He takes a deep breath and a dark purple magic circle appears in front of his mouth.

"Sun Dragon's Heat Roar!"

Ben shoots a very hot red heat beam from his mouth. The 3 Wyverns can't evade it because they are pulled by Ben's gravity pull. They get hit by the heat roar spell and feel the very high temperature.

The Wyverns scream as they get cooked by the heat beam. Ben stops his spells after he doesn't sense the Wyvern's MP anymore. The cooked Wyverns fall to the ground below while letting out steams from their bodies.

"I told you to ignore me, but you won't listen," says Ben.

"Stupid lizards," says Bella.

"Yeah, they sure aren't smart at all. Let's move faster, their carcasses will draw many creatures' attentions," says Ben as he resumes his climbing.

Ben uses gravity magic on his limbs to help him climb faster. He can do it earlier, but he wants to do it normally first for experience. But now he needs to climb faster because of the Wyverns' carcasses and it will get dark soon.

They reach the peak right before the sunset and have the chance to watch it. The mountain isn't tall, so they can reach the peak rather fast. But this mountain is very long and it splits Fiore with the Nations in the East.

They watch the sunset together because it's a rare chance for them to enjoy it. It's a beautiful sight that they won't see often. They also look at the Country of Seven that also has a wide span of forest near the mountain.

"Sigh, I thought there will be a town to see from here. But there's only forest & mountains everywhere," says Ben.

Ben build a camp and they eat the meat that he roasted before lunch. Tomorrow, they will walk on the mountain to the north. They have never gone to this mountain before, so there might be something interesting here.

The next day, Ben & Bella resume their journey and walk to the north. Ben walks while looking at the forest using a binocular sometimes. He has a high point of view, so he can look at many spots from there.

This way, he can look at the mountain and the forest at the same time. But the forest is full of trees, so he can't see everything there. Still, he can cover most of the locations in the forest from a higher POV.

Ben keeps walking with Bella sitting on his head like usual. She also looks around to help Ben finds any unusual things. They keep going for hours but haven't found anything that catches their interest so far.

At night, they call Wendy & Carla because they've promised to call every day. Bella tells them everything that happened since yesterday. She is very excited and it makes the 2 girls jealous.

"Don't worry, you can have your journey too when you are strong enough," says Ben.

"But we want to join your journey like Bella," says Wendy.

"That's right, you need to take us on your next journey," says Carla.

"Then you need to train harder and get a lot stronger. I can protect Bella because she is alone, but I can't protect the 3 of you at the same time. That's why you need to grow stronger so you can protect yourself, especially you, Wendy," says Ben.

"But I'm not as talented as you, Ben nii-san," says Wendy with a sad tone.

"Don't underestimate yourself! You have trained magic since you were 5, while I just started when I was 10. Now you are 11, so it's still early. I was not as strong as you in magic when I was 11, right? Have more confidence," says Ben.

"That's right, Wendy. Ben-nii trained very hard to reach his current level. If you want to be as strong as him, then you need to train as hard as him too. I know you can do it," says Carla to motivate Wendy.

"Bella trained," says Bella while nodding.

"Yes, yes. You also trained hard," says Ben while rubbing Bella's head.

"I understand, I will train very hard and surprise you when you go home," says Wendy with high spirit.

"I can't wait for that," says Ben while smiling.

They keep talking about other things until they get sleepy. Ben closes the call after Bella gets asleep and Wendy also can't hold her sleepiness again. They go to sleep immediately to be ready for tomorrow.

But Ben doesn't tell the girls about one thing. He won't take Wendy & Carla with him no matter how strong they will be in the future. It's not because of their strength, but because they will eventually find their dreams.

They are still too young now, so they just want to be with him who they look up to as big brother. But they need to think about themselves too and will think about it as they grow up. Everyone has their own dream and life journey, including them.

Ben doesn't want to make Wendy & Carla follow him all their life. He wants them to live their life like they want, including Bella. If Bella wants to do something that she wants, then Ben will let her do it as long as it's a good thing, even if it means they need to separate.

Even so, Ben will always be there for them and ready to help them. They are his family in this world, people that he loves very much. He will do anything for their safety and wellbeing. The same thing that happened to his biological family won't happen twice.

Ben & Bella resume their journey on the border mountain. They encounter some wild mountain creatures. Some of them are hostile while the others aren't. They just attack the hostile ones like usual and kill the edible ones for their food.

They haven't found strange or unique things so far on the mountain except for its endemic creatures. There are some caves that they found, but those are just wild creatures' dens. Some caves have a small number of lacrima crystals in them, but that's a common thing.

"Maybe it's a mistake to take the mountain route. I hope the forest has interesting things in it," says Ben while looking at the forest with his binocular.

Bella also uses her small-sized binocular to look around. Ben bought her a binocular after she whined for it. So he bought binoculars for her, Wendy, and Carla. It's a cheap item and he has money, so there's no problem buying a few extras.

While looking around with her binocular, Bella suddenly sees a shiny thing on the mountain peak. It's very far from their location, so it can't be seen clearly even with binocular. She tells Ben about it and then they go to check it.

When they reach the location, they find a sword that gets stabbed on the ground. Only the red hilt can be seen while the blade is buried. The hilt is plain without any decoration, but it still looks very good like new.

Beside the sword, there is a stone with writings on it. "I left my sword here for the worthy person. If you can pull it out, then this is yours."

Ben rubs his chin after he read the writings, "Hmm, very suspicious."


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 144 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 155 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)