115. A New Sword

The sword and writings are very suspicious for Ben.

"Why would someone leave a sword on this peak for anyone who will find it in the future? There must be something bad in this sword. Maybe a curse or other bad things. Hmm," says Ben while inspecting the sword hilt and stone.

Ben commands AI Chip to scan the sword, stone, and the surrounding area. He needs to be very careful with this because it might be dangerous. But this is also his chance to get this sword for free.

This sword might be a good quality sword, so it will be a waste to leave it. But even if it's not good at all, he doesn't have any problem with it as long as it isn't dangerous. It's free, after all, so there's no loss for him.

AI Chip finished scanning the sword and there's really a problem with the sword. It doesn't have any demon soul or curse in it like what Ben thought. But it has magic attached to it that became the reason why not everyone can pull it out.

'Enchantment?' asks Ben in his mind.

[Yes, an unknown spell is enchanted in this sword. I don't have any data about this spell, so I don't know its name. But I can predict its function which is to make it attached to the ground.]

'Maybe it's a gravity spell that makes the sword very heavy?' asks Ben.

[No, I will know it easily if it's gravity.]

'Hmm, such a mysterious magic spell. But it's not dangerous, right?' asks Ben.

[No danger is detected. But maybe there is a danger that I can't detect with my current database level. This is a very old sword from centuries ago, so we will need more data from that age if we want to be sure.]

"Sigh, so troublesome. Past knowledge isn't easy to find in this age. Let's just pull the sword. A man needs to have big guts and nuts," says Ben while grinning and cracking his neck.

Ben tells Bella to take a rather far distance and get ready to protect herself. This might be very dangerous or maybe nothing will happen at all. But they need to be very cautious about this.

After Bella gets to a safe distance, Ben gets ready to pull the sword. He takes a deep breath before placing his right hand on the red hilt. When Ben pulls the sword, he can feel that the sword is fighting back to his pull.

"What the-? AI Chip is right, this is not a gravity spell that makes the sword heavy. It's like the sword is alive and pulling me back. It refused to leave its place, interesting," says Ben excitedly.

Ben exerts more strength to pull the sword. But the sword also pulls stronger to match his strength. It's like the sword is programmed to match the strength that he used.

"Wait! Why did I become this stupid? There is a much easier way to do this," says Ben in realization.

Ben releases his grip and takes a step back. Then he takes out his revolvers and chooses gravity bullets. He aims his revolvers down and he starts to shoot the ground around the sword.

"Hehe, let's see if you can stay there if the ground is destroyed," says Ben while smirking.

Ben keeps shooting until the ground break completely. After that, he stores his revolvers again and uses gravity magic to lift the rubbles. As the rubbles float, the sword also floats with them.

It makes Ben grins because his plan worked perfectly. He grabs the sword and releases the gravity magic. Now the sword doesn't fight back again like before and just becomes a normal sword.

"Hah, EZ," says Ben smugly while playing with the sword.

Ben plays with the sword while inspecting it. It is a longsword that has red color in the center, just like the hilt. The blade's length is 1 meter and the width is 5 cm. While the hilt's length is 30 cm without any ornament.

The sword's design will be very plain if not for its red color. But even though it's plain, Ben knows that it is a high-quality sword. At the very least, he knows that it's made of high-quality materials.

"I don't know what the materials are, but those must be of high quality. This sword can flow MP very well and even kept that enchantment for centuries without getting weakened. It also doesn't have any rust even to this day," says Ben as he inspects the sword detailly.

The sword also has good weight and balance. It's not too heavy nor light for Ben. He is not a swordsman, but he can use swords to some degree. So he won't sell this sword and save it for himself.

Ben then tries to use the sword with some moves. He can handle it well even though he only has a little experience with swords. Then he tries to cut the stone that has writings on it using the sword and it gets cut cleanly.

"Dayum~, such a clean cut. This sword is incredible. Hmm, maybe it's a good time to replace my daggers as my main weapons. They aren't suitable again for my current level," says Ben.

Ben is still curious about the sword's power, so he flows his fire magic on it. The sword now has fire on it and Ben can control the fire a lot better than when he used his daggers even though they are made of mithril.

That means this sword's materials are better than mithril. That, or maybe the swordsmith's skill is just far above Ben, which is obvious. He isn't a professional smith, so being able to make a pair of daggers and some guns is good enough for him.

"Let's see if you can do it because my daggers can't," says Ben as he pulls the sword to his back.

Ben gets ready and then he swings the sword horizontally to the front. From his swing, a wide sharp fire arc appears and flies in the air. He can generate his magic using the sword, something that his daggers can't do.

It makes Ben excited and he laughs happily. This means he will have more options in the fight when he uses the sword. He can use the sword for short, medium, or long-range battles, very flexible.

Ben decides to make the sword his main weapon from now on. He rarely uses a weapon, but if he needs it, this sword will be the best weapon to use. His secondary weapons will be his revolvers & daggers.

He resumes his journey with Bella while still playing with the sword. Bella wants one of his daggers because he won't use it often now, so he gives it to her. The dagger becomes a sword when Bella holds it because it is rather long for her body size.

"Do you want me to teach you how to use it?" asks Ben.

"No, can," says Bella.

"Alright, alright, you can train on your own. But you can always ask for advice once in a while," says Ben.

Bella nods while looking at her new sword (dagger) happily. She decides to walk beside Ben now while swinging her sword like him. Then she suddenly takes a pink ribbon from her pocket and ties it on her new sword's hilt & scabbard.

Ben's face turns dark and his mouth twitches when he sees it. But Bella is very happy right now, so he let it be and hold the pain in his heart. The dagger that he made to look dangerous has become cute now.

'I'm glad she doesn't ask for both daggers or my heart will really bleed,' thinks Ben while holding his pained heart.

They resume their journey with Ben holding back his tears seeing his cool-looking dagger become a cute sword in Bella's cute hand.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 146 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 157 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)