151. War Goes On

While Ben clashes with Jose, Mira is going to her guild building. She realized something when she saw Gajeel wasn't coming out of Phantom Lord's building like his comrades. So she transformed into her Satan Soul form and came to her guild building.

Mira arrives right on time when her guildmate, Reedus is getting attacked by Gajeel. The Iron Dragon Slayer easily overpowers Reedus's Pict Magic. He is just about to attack Reedus with an extended Iron Punch when Mira flashes behind him.

"That's as far as you go," says Mira as she grabs Gajeel's head.

Gajeel widens his eyes in surprise because he can't sense Mira coming even with his sharp sense. Without waiting, Mira slams Gajeel to the ground very hard. She looks at Reedus who nods even with his bad condition and the unconscious Lucy before leaving while dragging Gajeel by his head.

The Iron Dragon Slayer tries to release himself from Mira's grip, but she doesn't budge. Mira takes him to fly very fast to the battlefield and then search for something. She finds Natsu still battling Totomaru and eats the latter's fire.

"NATSU! LEAVE HIM AND TAKE CARE OF THIS GUY! HE IS A DRAGON SLAYER LIKE YOU," shouts Mira from the sky as she throws Gajeel to the ground.

"Alright, but what about him?" asks Natsu while pointing at Totomaru.

"Easy matter," says Mira as she extends her hand toward Totomaru.

A large dark magic circle appears below Totomaru and surprises him. He tries to get away but it's too late already.

"Darkness Stream!" says Mira.

Some large tendrils of dark energy come out of the ground and grab Totomaru. They strangle him and cover his body until he disappears. The last thing known from him is his scream that's full of agony before he is seen unconscious after Mira stops her spell.

Natsu and Gajeel shiver to see that scene and they step back reflexively. Mira takes Totomaru by grabbing his clothes then looks at Natsu & Gajeel before leaving. Both Dragon Slayers are shivering more after seeing Mira's cold demonic eyes.

"She's like the old Mira, very scary," says Natsu as he remembers the old Mira who keeps fighting with Erza.

An explosion from the Phantom Lord's base wakes them up and they look at each other before jumping back. They are ready to fight each other and finish their unfinished battle before Fairy Tail retreated.

On other locations, some big battles are happening too. Gray fights with Juvia, a water Mage of Element 4. Elfman fights an Earth Mage of Element 4, Sol. While Erza fights the strongest Element 4, Aria, an Air Mage.

They fight in different locations beside Magnolia's river. The 3 Fairy Tail Mages pushed their enemies rather far from the main battlefield. This way, they can focus on fighting their opponent and don't need to worry about other things.

On the main battlefield, the Fairy Tail Mages are having a hard time fighting Jose's shades. These shades can reform themselves after being destroyed. They also seem to have their own mind because they can fight while Jose is fighting Ben.

As the Fairy Tail Mages are getting overwhelmed, some dark energy bullets flash around them and hit the shades. Mira has come and helped her guildmates while still flying & holding the unconscious Totomaru in her hand.

"Everyone step back. I will take the front and you guys provide support. These shades shouldn't be able to do more than this because their controller is busy fighting someone. So we just need to attack them until they're really destroyed," says Mira.

The Fairy Tail Mages nod and then Mira throws Totomaru away before taking the front side. She looks as the shades are coming to her and she prepares her attack. Mira forms a dark sphere on her hands that extends toward the shades.

"Evil Shower!" says Mira as multiple dark bullets are shot from the dark sphere.

The dark bullets fly toward the incoming shades and hit them. They get destroyed after getting hit, but just like before, they reform again. But Mira doesn't stop and keeps attacking the shades to protect her guildmates.

The other Fairy Tail Mages also attack the shades to help Mira. These shades are very troublesome and their number is too high. Even Mira will get exhausted fighting these shades that can reform themselves after getting destroyed. So they need to help her.

In Phantom Lord's base, Ben is preparing to fight Jose again. Jose's last attack has dealt big damage to his shirt and destroyed it, so now he is half-naked. He also has destroyed the roof so sunlight can enter the room and shine on both of them.

"Are you ready for round 2, old man? I'm warning you, this will be different," says Ben while cracking his neck.

"Less talk and just fight, brat," says Jose as he swipes his hand in an arc motion again.

A big explosion happens in Ben's standing location. But now he isn't getting hit because he is not there already. Ben has teleported behind Jose and immediately sends a punch to Jose.

Jose who has seen this attack once doesn't fall to the same trick again. He flashes away and dodges Ben's punch, but Ben teleports again to chase him. Ben appears in front of Jose and sends a solar energy punch.

The old guy knows that he can't dodge this, so he counters it. Jose extends his right hand toward Ben's punch and releases a dark energy pulse to shield him. The dark energy blocks Ben's solar punch and creates a big clashing effect that cracks the surroundings again.

Ben then sends a barrage of solar punches to break Jose's dark energy shield. Jose gets pushed and now needs to use both his hands to release more energy to block Ben's attacks. Both of them exert more power and cause more destruction to their surrounding.

The floor finally can't hold their clash and breaks completely. The walls around them also get destroyed by their clash and break. They fall to the lower floor while still clashing like before.

Jose is pissed seeing his guild building gets destroyed and Ben sees it. Ben grins seeing the old guy getting angry because his guild building is breaking apart. Now Ben knows how to piss Jose easily.

"It seems you really like your guild building, old man. Well, I like it too because it can move like a robot, but you know, I just like the technology, not the building itself. That's why if you like it, you need to protect it at all cost," says Ben as he jumps back.

"What are you blabbering about, brat?" asks Jose with a pissed tone.

Ben just smirks and spreads his hands to his sides with his palms open. His body then gets covered with a dark purple aura and a magic circle appears on each of his palms.

"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art! Energy Release: Almighty Push!"

Suddenly, Ben releases a strong pushing gravity power that spreads everywhere. It pushes everything around him with a very strong force. Jose also gets pushed back and he widens his eyes as he flies back.

"Damn, where is this power coming from?" ponders Jose.

Ben's strong spell destroys the floor, walls, windows, everything. Finally, the Phantom Lord building gets destroyed completely in a few seconds. The only thing that remains is the bare ground, but the building has been destroyed completely.

Everyone on the battlefield stops what they're doing and looks at the destruction. They see the ruins flying very fast toward them, so they move to protect themselves. They use their magic to destroy the incoming ruins that also hits & destroy the shades.

"Are you angry now, old man?" asks Ben to Jose.

Jose is very pissed now and says, "You'll pay for this, brat."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 186 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 197 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)