152. Wizard Saint's Power

The destruction of his guild building has angered Jose. He is the only one who doesn't get pushed by Ben's attack. The old guy used his magic to cover himself and stick onto the ground to not get pushed.

The destruction also surprised everyone on the battlefield. Such a big and strong building suddenly gets destroyed in an instant. So of course, it will gather everyone's attention.

Even the massive Jupiter was fell from its position and sink in the river. It's not really sinking though, it stands in the river. The long barrel is stabbing the river floor and makes it stand tall because the barrel's length is longer than the river's depth.

The Element 4 is relieved that they have left the building or they'll get hit by the attack that destroyed their guild building. But they can't be relieved with their situation though because their enemies are stronger than they thought.

As for Ben, he has a smile on his face as he says, "Hmm, not bad for a new spell. There's more room for improvement, but this is not a bad result at all."

Ben is quite satisfied by his spell's power, but he still thinks that it's not strong enough. This spell is new though, so he isn't disappointed by its power. He just needs to improve it further now after having a chance to use its current full power.

The spell that Ben just used is one of the gravity element usages. By utilizing the element to increase and decrease gravity, he has made pulling and pushing spells. The sudden decrease in gravity with him as the center has created a strong pushing force and he also combines it with energy release.

"Will you just stay there, old man?" asks Ben at Jose while grinning.

"Don't get too full of yourself, kid!" says Jose as he dispels his shades.

The shades that fight the Fairy Tail Mages suddenly disappear. It makes them relieved but also confused because the enemies are suddenly gone. They all look at the destroyed Phantom Lord building because they think Jose has been defeated.

But when they see a gigantic dark liquidy matter on Phantom's ground base, they change their mind. They know Jose hasn't been defeated and he is very angry now. A Wizard Saint's anger is a very frightening thing for them.

"I never see him this angry. That guy is done for," says Gajeel.

"But who is that guy actually?" ponders Natsu.

"Huh? Isn't he your guildmate?" asks Gajeel while looking at Natsu strangely.

"No, I don't know him," says Natsu.

"Hmm, so who is he? Wait! Why are we talking like friends? We are still fighting right now," says Gajeel in realization.

Both Gajeel and Natsu start to fight again with none of them being able to eat their elements because they are on the river bed. There's no fire or iron around them that they can eat to fill their magic power, so they can only use what they already have.

On Phantom's destroyed base, Ben is looking at a gigantic liquidy purple ball above Jose. It is Jose's shades that have been manipulated into something like a jellyfish ball. The jellyfish shade has many big arms on its body.

Jose controls the jellyfish shade to attack Ben using its arms. Ben dodges the first punch and sees it has a lot of power in it that makes the ground break. A barrage of punches is sent by the Jellyfish shade toward Ben and he flashes around in Light Mode to dodge them.

Ben tries to attack Jose, but the old guy is protecting himself with some shade tentacles. The tentacles block all Ben's attacks, be they long or short-ranged attacks. They are strong enough to block his roar spell and can reform themselves after getting destroyed.

"Your struggle is useless, kid. I will show you the true power of a Wizard Saint," says Jose as he extends his right hand to the side.

Some shades generate around Jose's right hand and circle it in a spiral motion. Then a bright ball of dark energy is formed on his hand.

"Hahaha, take this, you damn brat! Dead Wave!" says Jose as he shoots the darkness energy on his right hand.

Ben who keeps getting attacked by the jellyfish sees the attack coming. He can feel the spell's high power and knows he needs to use a strong spell to counter it. But he doesn't have enough time to do anything because the jellyfish keeps disturbing him.

Without any choice, Ben can only cross his hands in front of him to defend the incoming attack. He gets pushed back, but he tries to hold his ground. Luckily, he is in Light Mode, so his body is protected by a layer of magic.

But that's not enough to fully block Jose's Dead Wave. Ben gets pushed back fast until he reaches the end of Phantom's ground. He gets pushed out of the ground base and the river is right below him now.


The Dead Wave explodes right after Ben gets out of the ground base. It's a very strong explosion that gives him a lot of damage because he doesn't have any protection clothing again. He gets flung to the river below at high speed and dived into it.

"HAHAHA, DRINK THAT RIVER WATER, BRAT!" says Jose maniacally.

Jose laughs like a maniac, but then his laughter stopped when fog starts to appear around him.

"Wait! It's not fog, it's steam," says Jose in realization.

He goes to the end of his base and looks at the river. The river water is boiling and steams are generated from it. All Mages around the river also see the water boiling and there's a very bright red light in the bottom.

Suddenly, a big golden energy pillar comes out of the river. It moves toward Jose who dodges it in the nick of time. But it hits the Phantom's base and destroys a big chunk of the base.

The river water around the pillar disappears and makes a hole in the water. Everyone then sees a shadow flashes up from the hole before the water fills the hole and closes it. The shadow gets onto the Phantom's base, it is Ben.

Previously, he shot a strong solar energy attack from his hands to open the water while still aiming for Jose with his magic sense. Then he used his Gravity Pull on the Phantom's base to pull himself up.

"Damn, I almost lost my breath. Thankfully I could keep calm in that situation," says Ben while breathing hastily.

His body has some big bruises now and his left eye got hut and now closed. That Dead Wave is really deadly and Ben is sure that he won't be able to take it if he wasn't in Light Mode. A Wizard Saint's power is really no joke.

"So you survived, huh? That's very impressive. But you are in a very bad condition now, so it seems to be the end for you. You are very low on Magic Power, after all," says Jose smugly.

Ben grins when he hears Jose's words and he says, "The end for me? That's not for you to decide."

After he said that, Ben bites the sunlight and munches it. Jose widens his eyes when he sees that. The old guy has forgotten that Ben is a Dragon Slayer and can eat his element.

"Thanks for the meal," says Ben while grinning.

"Tch, what a troublesome brat," says Jose.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 187 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 198 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)