180. Rangers

The Exceed Army suddenly gets turned into a giant Lacrima. It surprises everyone and Ben tells Bella, Carla, & Happy to back off.

"What was that? Why did they suddenly turn into lacrima?" asks Lucy.

"It must be the Royal guys. They must have used something similar to what they used to turn Magnolia into lacrima. Anyway, we can't stay here any longer. We need to leave and think of our next step," says Ben.

"Hey, what is that?" says Happy as he points at the sky.

Everyone looks and sees 3 small things dived down from the sky. Then the 3 landed in front of them and now they can see that the 3 are Exceeds, in costumes & masks. The 3 Exceeds wear similar costumes with different colors and they are posing.

"Ha! Fallen Rangers have come. Don't worry Fallens, we are here to help," says the red male costumed Exceed who poses in the middle.

The other 2 Exceeds wear yellow and black-colored costumes. Ben's eyes twitched seeing them because they almost look like Power Rangers. Even their ridiculous poses are similar.

But when some think that they are ridiculous, some think that they are cute, and some think that they are cool. Bella & Happy are very impressed by these 3 Rangers and Bella immediately join them to pose while still wearing her T-Rex costume.

"Are you one of the Fallen? Don't worry, we are here to help you," says the red ranger.

"Help from what?" asks Ben.

"From the Exceed Army," says the red ranger.

*Kriik kriik*

The red ranger blinks his eyes before saying, "Where's the army?"

Ben points at the giant lacrima and the red ranger nods in understanding. He gets silent for a moment to proceed everything before he screams, "EEEHH?!"

"What a late reaction," says Ben.

Ben suddenly sees Edolas Erza rushes to the 3 rangers and swing her spear onto them. So he flashes in front of her and kicks her with his left leg. She blocks his kick with her spear but she still gets flung very fast and crashes onto the wall.

"Let's leave this place," says Ben to his group.

They all nod and immediately leave the Castle. The 3 Exceed Rangers also join them because there's nothing to do here and they are also in danger. Ben wants to take them to Edolas Ben's hideout, but they decide to split.

Natsu, Erza, Lucy, & Happy want to find Gajeel so he can save the others who are still trapped in Lacrima. Ben stops them from doing that because of Mystogan's plan. But he still let them go to guard the Lacrima to prevent the enemies from doing something with it.

"Remember, don't free the others or it might affect Mystogan's plan. It will be very bad if his plan failed and no one can return to Earth Land. If you mess things up, then a flick won't be enough as a punishment," says Ben while destroying a wall with his flick.

Natsu, Lucy, & Happy have a horror face and salute, "AYE SIR!"

"Erza, I leave them to you," says Ben.

"Alright, you guys also need to be careful," says Erza.

"Ben nii-san, can I join them? I know you won't need my help, so I won't do anything. But I want to help, so I will join them," says Wendy.

"Me too," says Carla.

"Are you sure?" asks Ben.

Wendy & Carla nod, then Ben says, "Alright then. Be careful."

They split and go in different directions. Ben goes to the hideout with Mira, Bella, and the 3 Exceed Rangers. He teleports them a few times to erase traces, so the Royal Army won't find the hideout. They finally arrived after some minutes and everyone is surprised to see Edolas Ben.

"Are you using Clone Magic?" asks Mira.

"No, this is Edolas Ben. It's the same case as Erza & Edolas Erza before," says Ben.

"Oh," says Mira in understanding.

"Hey, are they Exceeds?" asks Edolas Ben warily.

"Yeah, but don't worry. Bella has been with me since she was born and these guys are what you called Fallens. So they aren't on Extalia's side," says Ben.

Edolas Ben is still skeptical but he chooses to believe Ben. After that, Ben explains the situation to Mira, especially about Lisanna. Meanwhile, Bella is talking with the Exceed Rangers because their conversation is too difficult.

"S-So Lisanna's soul is here? That means we can save her now," says Mira while crying happily.

"Yeah, but we need to modify the Seith Magic then test it first," says Ben.

Ben then asks Edolas Ben about his research progress. It's just been a few hours, but Edolas Ben actually has some results. His ideas are also unique and quite different from what AI Chip & Ben has thought of.

AI Chip immediately put Edolas Ben's ideas in her database and immediately process them with the other ideas. She works fast and predicts that the new spell will finish in 30 minutes. Edolas Ben's ideas have made the modification progress faster.

While Ben, Edolas Ben, & AI Chip work on the spell, Bella is having some fun with the rangers. She even gets a costume with pink color and the rangers teach her their poses. They also tell her about their past and the reason why they became rangers.

These 3 are a family. The red ranger is dad, the yellow ranger is mom, and the black ranger is their son. They were lived on Extalia, just like the other Exceed. But 6 years ago, they got banished and lived on a floating island.

"Why did you got banished?" asks Ben.

"Because we oppose the Queen, even to this day. We won't forgive her for taking our 2nd child before it is even hatched. She sent 100 eggs that year for her ridiculous mission, killing the Dragon Slayers," says the red ranger angrily.

The mom ranger is sad and the son ranger is also angry like his dad. But both of them haven't said anything since earlier, they are very silent.

"6 years ago? So Bella, Carla, & Happy are among those eggs, huh? Also, why don't you take off those masks? There's no enemy here, so don't worry," says Ben.

The 3 rangers look at each other before nodding and taking off their masks. When they take off their masks, Ben gets very surprised. He looks at the 3 rangers and then at Bella back & forth.

The dad ranger has the same orange fur & black stripes as Bella, but he has a very strict expression. The mom ranger has full orange fur and her eyes are calm but sharp, just like Bella. While the son ranger has full black color with very sharp eyes.

'Don't tell me they're Bella's biological family?' ponders Ben.

[Judging from their traits and similarities, the possibility is 87%.]

'That's a high possibility. Also, it seems they've realized it since earlier. Maybe that's also why they gave her a costume. They must've made it for their daughter. There's no way they'll just give it to random Exceed. But Bella doesn't seem to realize it though,' thinks Ben.

"Ah, that's right. What are your names?" asks Ben.

"I'm Moza, my wife's name is Muffin, and my son's name is Angus. They don't like to talk, sorry about that," says Moza.

"It's okay, Bella also doesn't talk that much. Such a coincidence, isn't it?" asks Ben while smiling.

"Isn't it?" asks Bella, copying Ben.

The 3 Exceeds look away nervously and Moza says, "H-Heh, it's really a big coincidence."

Ben sighs because it seems the 3 of them want to hide it for now, or maybe they aren't sure yet that Bella is their daughter.

[Seith Magic spell modification complete. New spell: Soul Extractor has been created.]

Ben smiles and says, "Good, let's test this new spell."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 215 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 226 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)