181. Experiment

"Eh?! You've finished it?" asks Mira in surprise.

"That's fast," says Edolas Ben.

"Well, I have learned many books about Magic and luckily I've learned a lot about Black Magic. Although I never use it and it will be better if we ask Bickslow to do it, we don't have time for it. He is inside that giant Lacrima and we will need to release everyone for it. That will create chaos, so we can't do that," says Ben.

"So, who will use it? I never use Black Magic either," says Mira.

"I will use it, of course. Even though I never use Black Magic, I've learned it to its detail. That's why I'm sure I can pull it off. What I need right now is to try it. Let's find some animals for the experiments," says Ben.

The others nod and they leave the Capital stealthily. They go to the forest near the Capital and immediately catch some small animals. It's very easy for them because these animals are normal, not magical beasts.

The sky almost turns dark, so Ben needs to be fast now. He immediately tries normal Seith Magic first and catches a dead soul before inserting it in a woodblock. He succeeds in his first try and keeps succeeding after trying it 10 times.

"This is easier than I thought. Maybe I have a good affinity with souls," says Ben.

After getting a grasp on Seith Magic, Ben starts his test on the new spell. He grabs a black rabbit and puts his right hand on its head.

"Soul Extractor!"

A black aura suddenly covers the black rabbit and Ben can feel something sticking onto his hand. He pulls his hand from the rabbit's head and a transparent object is sticking on his hand, it's the rabbit's soul. But then the soul gets released and returns to the rabbit's body.

"Fail, huh? It seems the attachment of a living soul with its body is very strong. Hmm, either I need to strengthen the spell or weaken the host. Let's try with the latter because it's easier to do," says Ben.

Ben puts the rabbit to sleep with a sleep spell before repeating his attempt. Now, it is easier for him to pull the soul and he finally succeeds. He tries it a few more times with the other animals and keeps succeeding when the animals are asleep.

"How is it?" asks Edolas Ben.

"This will work. We just need to put Lisanna to sleep before using this spell on her. But to make sure that this won't fail, I will strengthen the spell, and then we'll test it on a human," says Ben.

"Human?!" says Mira in surprise.

"Don't worry, we will use a criminal that has done some big crimes, so we won't need to feel sorry. Edolas Ben knows some people with that criteria," says Ben, followed by a nod from Edolas Ben.

"Do you really need to test it on a human?" asks Mira with a sad tone.

"Yeah, animal & human souls are different, so I need to test it on a human at least," says Ben.

"But what if he dies? Even if he is a bad person, Lisanna will be sad if someone needs to die for her to live," says Mira sadly.

"He won't die, I can guarantee you that, so don't worry. Even the first rabbit didn't die when I failed. Also, if this spell fails, do you want it to happen on Lisanna or a bad guy?" asks Ben seriously.

"That's...," Mira can't answer that.

"Mira, if you think Lisanna won't like it then just keep it a secret from her. If she finds out about it in the future, then just say that this is my idea," says Ben while patting her head.

"Put me in too, this is our idea. Also, Mira, you shouldn't underestimate Lisanna. I don't know about Earth Land Lisanna before she arrived here. But the Lisanna that I know for these 2 years is a strong-hearted girl. She won't get depressed just because of this," says Edolas Ben.

Mira widens her eyes and realizes that she is being overprotective. She still thinks that it's her fault that Lisanna was hurt and can't wake up to this day. That makes her think that Lisanna is fragile and needs her protection.

"I'm sorry, I keep seeing Lisanna as a little girl and underestimate her," says Mira.

"It's okay. I know how you feel because that's how I was with Wendy. But you know, if we keep guiding them and protecting them, then they will never grow. We just need to guide & protect them when they really need it, that's also a way to show our love for them. Sometimes letting them get hurt is important," says Ben.

"That's quite confusing, but I think I know what you want to say. Alright, let's do it," says Mira.

The group then goes to the Capital again. It has become dark now so they can move without being detected. The only problem is they can't find the prison easily because their guide is Edolas Ben, who has a very poor sense of direction.

Luckily with the 3 Exceed Rangers' help, they can find the prison after half an hour. They make the guards fall asleep before searching their target inside. After searching for some minutes, they finally find their target.

Their target is placed in an isolated cell and tied with many chains. He is a man with fair skin and long dark green hair. This man looks rather handsome, but he has a crazy expression that shows his blood lust.

"This man's name is Dennis. He was a Royal Captain more than 10 years ago, a very strong man," says Edolas Ben.

"Why does a Royal Captain gets imprisoned?" asks Ben.

"Sigh, because he killed so many citizens for his fun. His kind image was just a facade to hide his real self. It's quite complicated, so I won't say everything. But this man here is one of the worst criminals in this Kingdom. He doesn't get the death penalty because he was a Royal Captain. That's something that I can't accept," says Edolas Ben.

"So you want to execute him yourself, huh? Well, whatever, it's your business. I just want to use him to test my new Magic," says Ben.

Then Ben & Edolas Ben enter the cell while the others wait outside. Dennis wants to attack them but the chains prevented him from moving.

"It seems he is not sane. Well, no one will be sane after being tied like this for 10 years. Anyway, let's start with the first test," says Ben as he grabs Dennis's head.

"You won't put him to sleep?" asks Edolas Ben.

"No, I want to test if the magic is used on a conscious person first. I've improved the spell, so maybe it will work," says Ben.

Ben activates the spell and pulls Dennis's soul from his body. He thought it will fail, but surprisingly it works. Dennis's soul gets pulled while he is still conscious. Ben puts his soul on a woodblock and then checks his body.

"His body is fine. Haha, the spell is working. It seems this spell is better to be used on humans than animals. But just one test isn't enough, I need more data. Edolas me, does everyone in the isolated cell dangerous criminals?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, they have done crimes punishable by death. I hate to admit this, but the Kingdom's judgments on them are correct," says Edolas Ben.

Ben nods and puts Dennis's soul back on his body before doing more tests on other people. While Ben does his test, Edolas Ben kills Dennis with a stab of his double-headed spear.

"Dad, Mom, I've avenged you," says Edolas Ben as he wipes the blood on his spearhead.

With his sharp ears, Ben can hear what Edolas Ben says even though he says it with a low voice. 'So Dennis killed his parents, huh? Sigh, it reminds me of my past life. I'm glad that you can get your revenge, Edolas me.'

"Alright, the tests are done. Now, let's help Lisanna and return to Earth Land," says Ben.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 216 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 227 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)