187. Return to Earth Land

Ben & co find themselves on a border of forest near Magnolia. They see the town that they know very well and get very happy. Ben checks the Ethernano density in the atmosphere to make sure that they've returned.

"We've finally returned. Mira, is the wood that contains the soul alright?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, I still hold it," says Mira as she shows it to Ben.

Ben touches the wood and can feel Lisanna's soul inside, so she is fine. Everyone cheers happily and Bella is now hugging the 3 Exceed rangers who are confused by the situation. It seems they've told Bella that they are her family before the Reverse Anima started.

"W-Why are we here?" asks Moza confusedly.

"That's right, why are they here?" asks Natsu, representing the others who are confused too.

"I told you that Reverse Anima was sending all Magic Power from Edolas to Earth Land. So all beings with Magic Power inside their bodies will also get sent here, including the Exceeds. If it only affects the native of Earth Land, then Bella, Carla, & Happy would be left there too because they were originated from there," explains Ben.

"Ooh," says everyone in understanding.

"Wait! Then that means-," Carla can't finish her words when many Exceeds suddenly comes out of the bushes.

The 3 Exceed Rangers immediately get between the Mages & Exceeds, ready to fight. They are still angry at the Queen & her subordinates for sending their 2nd child 6 years ago. The 3 of them won't let the Queen take Bella again.

But the Queen is looking down in guilt and so are her subordinates. Carla & the 3 Exceed Rangers don't care though and get angry at them. A white Exceed also gets angry at the Queen's group and Moza knows him because this Exceed is also being exiled just like him.

The Queen's group just stays silent and then Wendy tries to calm the angry ones. She says they need to hear the Queen's explanation first before doing anything. The angry Exceeds stop and agree to at least hear the Queen.

Then with a guilty expression, the Queen explains the reason for sending all the eggs 6 years ago. She said it was for a mission to kill Dragon Slayers, but that is just a lie. Her real intention was to save the children because she has a future vision where Extalia gets destroyed.

She couldn't reveal the truth so she planned all those scenarios with her subordinates. It all went well, but they never thought that Carla will have a precognition ability like Queen Shagotte.

Carla's ability is still imperfect though and that caused her to think of the mission. If Carla's ability has reached a good level, then she will realize that the mission is just a fake.

The Queen & her subordinates apologize to everyone there. Then the other Exceeds also apologize because they realize that they were too full of themselves all these years. They never thought that they would almost turn extinct.

After Carla receives their apologies with the others' persuasion, the Exceed decide to leave & find the other children. But before leaving, Queen Shagotte hugs Carla first. Ben knows that she is Carla's mother, but she doesn't say anything, so he let her be.

'She must've felt very guilty now, so I won't force her. Besides, Carla is smart enough to realize this fact. She just won't admit it,' thinks Ben while smiling.

The white Exceed approaches Happy with a female blue Exceed. He doesn't need to think too much and Ben knows that they are Happy's parents. It seems the Exceeds' instinct is strong enough to know if they are blood family.

After that, the Exceeds leave to find a new place to stay and find the other children. Bella's family also joins them to help in this mission. Although they are reluctant to leave Bella again, she has Ben, Wendy, & Carla, so she will be fine.

"We will visit you once in a while, so don't worry. Keep that costume, alright? That is the proof that you are also an Exceed Ranger," says Moza as they have a family hug.

Bella nods and Ben assures them that he will take care of her. They smile and then they leave too with the other Exceeds. The Mages bid their farewell to the Exceeds that fly away.

They are just about to return to Magnolia when another Exceed suddenly appears. It's a small black Exceed and Ben is surprised when he sees the Exceed. He knows from its Magic Power that it is Panther Lily.

"You're Panther Lily? How did you get small?" asks Ben curiously.

"What?! He is Lily?" asks Gajeel with a surprised tone.

"That's right, I am Lily. Actually, I want to join the Guild where Prince stayed before. Am I allowed?" asks Lily.

Gajeel suddenly grabs & hugs Lily while crying, "Of course, you are allowed, partner."

"H-He's crying," comments Lucy.

After that little event, they return to Magnolia in Ben's car. It's not too far, but using a car is still faster than walking. Ben takes them to the Guild and the ones in the Guild are asking about what happened.

"Stop! I know you are curious but there is something important to do. Elfman, Wendy, follow me, you can join too, Carla. Also, Master, can you join us, please," says Ben.

Everyone is confused and looks at Makarov who nods. Ben, Makarov, Mira, Elfman, Wendy, & Carla then leave the guild building. The others want to follow them but Erza stops them because it must be important. Besides, they want to know what happens and Natsu & co can explain it.

"Where will we go?" asks Elfman.

"Hospital. It's time," replies Ben shortly.

Elfman & Makarov widen their eyes a bit because they can guess what they'll do. Although both of them don't know if their guess is correct or not. But they hope that they are correct and Lisanna will be saved.

Some times later, they arrive in Lisanna's room. It's not the visit time, but they can enter easily with Makarov's help. His big-name as the Magic Guild Master is enough to make the Hospital allow them to enter it.

"Mira, the wood, please," says Ben.

Mira gives the wood that contains Lisanna's soul to Ben. Then Ben asks Wendy to check Lisanna's condition and cast Heal on her. Even if she is fine, laying on a bed for 2 years must've weakened her.

Wendy's current Heal spell can restore Lisanna's body condition to normal, that's why Ben asked her to do it. Ben has helped Wendy develop her Magic so her spells including Heal are quite strong now.

After Wendy finished, Ben immediately uses the Soul Extractor spell again. He shouldn't let Lisanna's soul stay in the wood for too long or it might damage her soul. So he pulls her soul and then inserts it into her body.

Her soul enters her body very easily and everyone waits anxiously. Soon, one of her fingers moves, and then she opens her eyes. Lisanna looks at them and smiles before calling her siblings names.

Mira & Elfman are overjoyed and immediately hug Lisanna while crying. Ben pulls them a little and warns them to not hug her too tightly. They nod and keep hugging Lisanna but with less strength.

The others smile seeing this scene and they're happy that Lisanna finally recovered. Ben calls the doctor & nurses to check on Lisanna's condition. The doctor & nurses are surprised & confused but still check her condition.

After checking, the doctor says that she is in a good condition and can even leave the hospital now. So they choose to let her leave, but they take her home for now. They will take her to the Guild tomorrow because it's night already.

The next day, they take Lisanna to the Guild and everyone is overjoyed by her recovery. They all want to hug Lisanna but Elfman punches them all away. Then they hold a party for everything that happened in this short time.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 222 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 233 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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