188. Discussing Plan

After Lisanna's recovery, Mira & Elfman get a lot livelier. They were always worried about Lisanna before, but now she has recovered. Lisanna explains what happened to her to everyone in the Guild while they are having a party.

She also tells them her story when she was in Edolas. Everyone asks about their Edolas counterpart which becomes a funny conversation because they all show different reactions. Some people are very disappointed because their counterparts weren't founded.

After the party, Makarov calls Ben to his office. He asks Ben about the full detail of what happened in Edolas, including Mystogan's case. So Ben tells him everything because the Guild Master needs to know it.

"Sigh, we lost one more S-Class Mage. But this is his choice and I will respect it. The biggest problem now is you," says Makarov.

"What? Why me?" asks Ben in confusion.

"You can modify a Magic Spell and create a new one in a short time. That is a good thing but also a problem. If words of this go out, many people will target you," says Makarov.

"I'm aware of that. That's why I don't tell everyone that I modified a Magic Spell. I just tell them that it's a Black Magic Spell that I know. Only Mira, Bella, & Lisanna know about this, and I've asked them to hide it," says Ben.

"That's good, but you still need to stay on guard. Those who know a lot of Magic Spells will find it suspicious," says Makarov.

"I will just say that my Gramps taught it to me. He is an ancient monster, so he knows a lot of things," says Ben.

"Hmm, you've thought of everything, huh? That's good. Anyway, let's move to the next topic, about your Wizard Saint invitation," says Makarov.

Ben nods and says, "I've thought about this in these few days while I'm in Edolas, Master. Just like before, I'm still not interested to become a Wizard Saint. But I will go to meet the Council to know what their offers & requirements are. I can predict one of the requirements though."

"Hoo, what is it?" asks Makarov.

"They'll ask me to leave Fairy Tail. If I stay here, we will have 2 Wizard Saints in a Guild. That will just make us too strong for them to handle. Not to mention we also have Gildarts. This invitation is a way for them to reduce our power. That's why I assume that their offers will be very tempting for me so that I'll take it," says Ben.

"So you also think like that, huh? Those people hate Fairy Tail, after all, so that thinking has flashed in my mind right after I received the invitation. You are still a new member, after all. So they think that they can take you easily," says Makarov.

Ben smirks and says, "Too bad for them then. I have no intention to leave as long as my sisters want to stay here."

"So you just follow your sisters?" asks Makarov jokingly.

"Master, my home is where my sisters stay. I've promised Gramps that I will always be by their side, after all," says Ben.

"Hahaha, I need to thank Wendy, Bella, & Carla for liking this Guild then," says Makarov.

Both of them then discuss their plan to visit the Magic Council and some other things. They'll go there in 2 days because there are a few things that Makarov needs to do. Ben also wants to rest first after doing a lot of things in Edolas.

After the discussion, they return to the Guild Hall. They see Wendy is casting Heal on Lisanna just like what Ben instructed. She will cast Heal on Lisanna every day to hasten Lisanna's full recovery.

Lisanna's body has stayed in bed for 2 years without moving. So there are some minor problems with her body because it never moves for 2 years. Her muscle is weakened a lot in these 2 years and it will take time for it to fully recover.

But with Wendy's help, Lisanna's muscle will return to its normal shape fast. Of course, she also needs to eat a lot of food with high nutritional value. Just Heal spell won't make her recover to her initial condition.

Porlyusica has made a diet plan for Lisanna and she also made some supplements for her. There's no one here that has better medical knowledge than her, after all. Although she keeps grumbling when they asked for her help, Ben knows that she is happy about Lisanna's recovery.

While waiting for 2 days to pass, Ben works on what he just got from Mystogan, Anima. He is very interested in Anima because it can take Ethernano from another universe. This is the first time he knows that there is a magic that works across the universe, so he is very interested in this.

Now Ben knows that there are alternate universes in this world. Edolas shouldn't be the only one and there must be other universes too. He wants to try finding one or maybe some other universes. His adventurous heart is fluttering right now by this possibility.

That's why he wants to learn Anima thoroughly to know how to find these universes. The problem is that he doesn't have other reverences except for Anima. So it will take a long time for him to get what he wants.

'It seems I need to return to Magic Library and try to find other references. But I can't do it soon because there will be an important event soon. Master said that there will be an S-Class exam this December. I don't know if I will be a candidate, but the possibility is high. There's no way I will miss this chance,' thinks Ben.

Ben has high confidence that he will be an S-Class if he is chosen as a candidate. He can just laze around and he will still become an S-Class. After all, he is stronger than Mira & Erza who have become S-Class Mages.

But he doesn't want to laze around and do nothing. If he wants to be an S-Class Mage in Fairy Tail, then he needs to show his determination. He will finish many difficult quests and get stronger before the exam starts.

'I need to prepare for any kind of test, even if it is to fight Master or Gildarts. Being an S-Class means I can take more difficult jobs. Such jobs will help me to get stronger, so I need to become an S-Class,' thinks Ben.

Ben then makes a plan for his training before the S-Class exam. What he needs to increase is his Magic Power reserve and also his Magic mastery. His main Magic is Dragon Slayer Magic, but he also needs to train his Devil Slayer Magic and now he also works on non-Slayer Magic.

Slayers Magic have higher power but also use a lot of Magic Power. That's why he wants to make the normal version which will reduce the Magic Power's consumption. By having the normal version, he'll also have more options to be used in battles.

For the basic elements like fire, light, gravity, and heat, Ben already has learned many spells in Magic Library. But the advanced element like plasma and solar aren't available, so he needs to make them himself.

Luckily, he has AI Chip that can work on it by modifying his Slayers Magic. It will finish before the S-Class exam, so he will have more weapons to be used at that time. Ben doesn't like to just rely on what he already has, after all.

This project will delay the Anima project, but it's not a problem. He is not in a rush for the Anima and this project takes priority. Besides, AI Chip is a fast worker and it will finish before he realizes it.

2 days have finally passed with Ben working on this project. Now, it's time to go to the Magic Council with Makarov for the Wizard Saint issue. They will find out what the Council wants.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 223 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 234 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)