248. Loot

"You took them down fast," says Mira after she approached Ben who sits on the black Shark Leviathan's carcasses.

Ben has a rather pissed face and says, "Sigh, it turned out that way. I planned to try my spells on this guy but it tried to eat me. I've got no choice but to kill it so I cooked it from the inside."

"Hmm, it sure smells delicious. You cooked it rather well," says Mira.

"Just the area around the heart. I moved closer to its heart so I could kill it fast. Anyway, let's return to the port. I don't want other sea monsters to come because of these carcasses."

"Alright," says Mira.

Mira & Ben then tie the 2 carcasses to the Light Runner boat using a magic rope. Ando can only watch them with a dumbfounded face. He never thought that the Shark Leviathan that caused them so much trouble and failed to be subjugated for months died just like this.

Furthermore, there is a new Shark Leviathan so the difficulty must have risen too. This isn't just a difficult S-Class job, it might be close to 10 Years Quest. But Ben finished it himself in a short amount of time.

"There are 2 Shark Leviathans here, different from the information. Why do you think it is?" asks Mira toward Ando as they go back to the port.

"I don't know the reason. It's the first time this anomaly happened," says Ando.

"I think they were spouses and maybe now is their breeding season or something. It also explains why the black Shark Leviathan left this place prior to our arrival. It was looking for a spouse," says Ben.

"Hmm, that's possible," says Mira.

"Marry?" asks Bella.

"Yeah, I think they are married," says Ben.

Bella looks down sadly and says, "Pitiful."

"So you pity them, huh? Then you won't eat their meat I assume," says Ben while smirking.

Bella jolts and says, "Not pitiful, bad fish!"

"Oh, then what should we do with the bad fish?" asks Ben.

"Eat!" says Bella happily.

They all laugh and talk some more on their way back. It's a happy occasion because they get 2 gigantic magical creatures, after all. They can take it back to the guild and they'll have a feast with their guildmates.

Magical creatures' meat is very good for Mages, after all. It gives them a magic power boost and they are tasty too. The boost depends on the power of the magic creatures, so these 2 S-Class creatures will provide a lot of boost to everyone.

Still, it will depend on the Mages who eat the meat to get a good result. They need to absorb the magic power properly or they will just be a waste. But everyone has a different absorption rate, so the results aren't always good.

Still, high-class ingredients like these will give good results even for those with a poor absorption rate. This will improve everyone's power and might even help those who hit a wall and can't improve their magic power for a long time.

Other materials from S-Class magic creatures are also very valuable. These 2 have some precious materials like tough skin, very hard bones, and especially their body armor. They can be made into high-quality magic items that will also be useful.

The group reaches the port soon and their feat surprises everyone there. They get an additional reward because of the new Shark Leviathan's appearance. It was a huge factor and they will need to pay more to make a new quest because of the higher difficulty if Ben failed.

After finishing the procedure, Ben's group returned to Magnolia. There's nothing to do in this port because most people have fled. So there's no use staying here as there isn't any entertainment for their stay.

It's better for them to return and share the meat with their guildmates soon before the meat is spoiled. Luckily, there is a Mage specialized in Ice Magic in the port. It's not Ice-Make Magic like Gray, but Frozen Magic to freeze fish, and he isn't strong so he needs some time to freeze the 2 gigantic Shark Leviathans.

Ben puts them on a big cart and pulls the cart using Light Runner. He reduces the weight using Gravity Magic so they can move fast. The Frozen Magic won't last long so they need to move fast or the meat will spoil.

It doesn't take long for them to reach the guild because Ben drives very fast. They gather everyone to help with the dismantling because the Shark Leviathans are too big. Everyone is impressed by the sheer size of the black Shark Leviathan.

"I can't believe you killed it yourself. Just how did you kill something like this?" asks Macao with a dumbfounded expression.

"He is a Wizard Saint. What makes you think he can't kill it? It will be more strange if he failed to kill it," says Wakaba.

"Well, that's true," says Macao.

"Hmm, it was partly this thing's mistake that made me won easily. It tried to eat me but I cooked it from the inside. Anyway, you should help them dismantle the monsters or you won't get a share of meat," says Ben.

"Sigh, you shouldn't overwork old men like us," says Wakaba.

"Old men? Well, if you really want to be old men, then I'll help you," says Ben while smirking.

Macao & Wakaba flinch scaredly because they think that Ben can really do it. Even if he can't, he can beat them up and make them obedient. They need to save themselves so they rush to help the others.

"Master, I find something," says a man while cutting the black Shark Leviathan's heart.

"What is it?" asks Ben.

"It's this, a small lacrima crystal ball, but I don't think it's just an average lacrima crystal," says the man as he shows a blue lacrima crystal ball the size of a small coin.

"Hmm, then I will investigate it. Good job finding it," says Ben as he takes the small blue lacrima crystal ball.

Ben looks at it and tries to analyze it using AI Chip while fusing his magic power into it.

[Scanning complete.]

[Estimated result: Demon Lacrima with water attribute (97.56%)]

'Demon Lacrima?' asks Ben in his mind.

[It is a lacrima crystal made of a demon's magic power just like Dragon Lacrima.]

'It was in that black Shark Leviathan's body, so maybe this lacrima caused this thing to become stronger than normal Shark Leviathan. But this is small and can't be compared to Smog's Dragon Lacrima. It will be a waste to use it on someone because it has too little magic power. The black Shark Leviathan also didn't become overwhelmingly stronger than its kind. I'm worried that this might be a defective product and will harm its user instead,' thinks Ben.

Ben decides to keep it for now and investigate it again later. He looks at the dismantling process that went well and decides to help to make it finish even faster. They finish soon and they immediately cook some portions of the meat.

It's a feast that day because they have so much meat. The meat tasted very delicious and they all can feel energy surging into their body. Young Mages have the power to grow more than the older Mages.

But the ones who grow the most are, of course, Ben & Mira. The S-Classes have more talents and potential in magic so their absorption rate is higher too. Growth is still growth, no matter how small it is. Even though the magic power they got is small compared to their capacity, the 2 are still happy with their growth.

Looking at his guildmates growing, Ben thinks, 'As I thought, making them grow is also important so that they can at least protect themselves when stronger enemies come. It seems I need to take jobs more often to get high-quality meat like this for them. Not like I enjoy my trip outside, yeah, certainly not that."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 283 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 294 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)