383. Forgotten Event

Currently, Ben is playing football with his children in their backyard. The football they play is the one that really uses their feet to play the ball that is known by most people on Earth as football. It's the one that has a World Cup competition, the game where a ball is played by foot, not hand.

(A.n: some people will be triggered by this, lol)

Playing a sports game like this is good for children their age, even more so if they play with their parents. It won't just make them healthy and train their motoric skills, it will also give them good childhood memories.

When he enjoys his time with his children, Ben suddenly gets a call. His buttler brings his Magic Phone and tells him it's from the Royal Family. Yeah, Ben has a buttler now to help him manage his house because he & Mira has a lot of work.

"It's Ben talking," says Ben after taking the phone.

says the Princess through the phone.

"Alright, thanks. I will go to Crocus tonight," says Ben.

says the Princess shortly before closing the call.

Ben grins because the time has finally come. The last event of this year's Grand Magic Games is his battle against all 8 teams that passed the preliminary round. They delayed the event after Natsu caused a ruckus in the stadium.

Well, they actually forgot because they need to take care of people who get their clothes melted by Natsu at that time. Even Ben forgot it too because he was too pissed at Natsu for shaming their Guild in the award ceremony.

So he and the Royal Family decided to keep doing this event after a short rest. They also need to prepare a better place because they initially planned to just do it in the town, just like the final. But the town is under construction now, so they can't destroy it again.

That's why they made a venue just for this event which is located outside of the Royal Capital. It's a rocky ground near the mountains which is quite far from the Royal Capital actually. They use that location to avoid damage to the city because high-level Mages' battles are destructive.

But there's a big change in the event's format though. Ben won't just fight the 8 teams as they've previously planned. He will fight the 8 teams plus any Mage who wants to participate in this event by signing up before the event day.

The Royal Family was surprised by Ben's suggestion, but they also know it will attract more people to watch, which also means more money to make. So they agreed and announced it to every Guild in Fiore. Independent Mages can join too as the only ones banned are Dark Mages.

When the event day comes, many people fill the Royal Capital. Thousands of people come to watch the power of The Strongest Mage in their continent. Many Mages also want to see it themselves, so they signed up to join the event.

There are a total of 1,364 Mages including the 48 Mages from the 8 teams. They all want to see and feel Ben's might themselves because many of them only know him from rumors and news. This is like a chance to see how they are compared to the one titled The Strongest.

Ben is very excited knowing he will fight so many people. There are many strong people among those who'll fight him. So he can hope for some good battles and see unique battle skills from his opponents.

Also, this is a good chance for him to prepare these guys for the incoming war. They will face enemies they've never seen before with power they never heard of. The war against Alvarez Empire will be very difficult, so they need to be ready.

Everyone who participates in the event is gathering at the event's location. They are separated into 2 sides, but there's only Ben on one side while there are 1,364 Mages on the other side. The 8 teams are standing in the front of the big group along with 5 Wizard Saints.

That's right, some Wizard Saints join this event, including Jura who is in the Lamia Scale team. The other 4 are those ranked 7th, 8th, 9th, and the new member ranked 10th who joined after Serena's death. The 10th rank is a man in his early 30's who uses Speed Magic.

Ben grins while looking at them and says, "Let's get this party started."


A gun is shot to signal the start of the event and without any delay, the Mages are rushing toward Ben. They have discussed a simple strategy before the event started. Their first move is to flank and surround Ben from all sides.

Ben only watches them and doesn't do anything for now. Then he suddenly moves his left hand at an insane speed to catch a bullet shot from his left. The attacker is Bisca who also joins this event.

Almost all Fairy Tail Mages join this event because they want to fight Ben. With these many people, their chance to defeat him will be higher. Even with the help of so many people, defeating Ben will be one of the greatest achievements they can get in their life.

They also know that Ben will not like it if they don't join this event. Getting beaten up by Ben in this event is far better than getting beaten up later because they don't participate at all. This is also a chance for them to see other Mages' skills, so they can't miss it.

After Bisca took the initiative to attack in the middle of the chaos, other Mages start to see it as a chance too. They start attacking Ben while moving to their designated positions. Not all of them do it though because not many have strong long-range spells.

Ben handles all their attacks calmly by shooting golden fire bullets to destroy their attacks. All kinds of spells get destroyed easily by Ben's small solar bullets. None of them reach Ben because they get destroyed first.

Although no one uses their best spells, they still use strong spells, so they are quite speechless that Ben destroyed all their spells with seemingly no effort. Small bullets can destroy the spells they made using a lot of magic power.

The time for the Mages to launch all-out attacks hasn't come yet, but some Mages already rush to attack Ben. Hot heads like Natsu can't wait for too long, after all, so they want to attack Ben as soon as possible.

Actually, Natsu is the first one to rush toward him, and it makes others want to attack too. So now, many Mages are rushing toward Ben, especially the hot-head ones. They just can't wait for too long because their patience is low.

The ones who rush at Ben are attacking him without any coordination. They just launch their spells when they get closer to Ben. He smirks seeing their rushed attacks and he finally makes his move after staying in his spot since the beginning.

Ben runs toward the attackers without preparing any spell. He just prepares his fists to face these impatient fools. After all, even without magic, Ben is powerful enough to defeat even Gildarts in a real battle. His battle skills and physical prowess are just that high.

Ben jumps into the crowd and starts punching the attackers. He mainly evades their attacks before hitting them with his punches. With his extremely powerful senses and reflex, Ben can feel all incoming attacks and dodge them before countering.

Fists, kicks, elbows, knees, slams, Ben uses every technique he has on the Mages. One hit from Ben on the right spot can knock out an average Mage instantly. He is now the God that dominates this battlefield with overwhelming power.

He is very excited that he says, "COME, MONGRELS! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT REAL POWER IS."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 418 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 429 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)