384. Overwhelming

Ben's battle against 1,364 Mages still goes on without any change in the general situation. Ben still dominates the battle with only physical power. He is basically a dragon in a human body considering his ridiculous physical stats.

[Name: Ben Cooper

MP: 4,206,001/4,206,973

STR: 1,837

AGI: 1,975

STA: 2,524

INT: 2,935]

Ben's physical stats have increased a lot after his long seclusion before the war against Tartaros and Acnologia. At that time, his training hadn't been completed, but he left because of the Tartaros incident. So his power hadn't grown to the maximum power he could achieve in that training.

But it's been a year since that incident and he has improved his power. He has perfected the Sun Devil-Dragon-God lacrima he made in that seclusion. So now his magic power and even physical power have increased exponentially.

His magic power has surpassed 4 million points even without using any power mode that boosts his power. That means he already has more magic power than average Dragons and is on the same level as a Dragon King like Igneel.

His basic magic power is still lower than Acnologia though. But Ben predicts that his Force mode can match Acnologia. Unless Acnologia has a power boost ability, then Ben will have a chance to defeat that black dragon.

Ben has the confidence to win against Acnologia after seeing Igneel rip Acnologia's left hand. That ripped left hand was very useful for Ben because he could learn more about Acnologia's magic. It was very difficult, but he was very surprised when he found out the nature of Acnologia's magic.

That ripped left hand also helped Ben increase his own power. Just a ripped left hand of Acnologia has enough power to complete his imperfect Sun Devil-Dragon-God lacrima. So Ben knows that Acnologia's raw power is very great and facing that will be very hard.

But well, Ben has prepared a lot of things to face Acnologia. He trusts he can win, he needs to win for his family's safety and his children's future. Now, he needs to prepare the others for the incoming danger through this event.

Ben will show them that they are still weak, too weak to protect their home. They are so weak that he can defeat them without using his magic. Those with weak hearts will break, but those with strong hearts will grow from this and will keep growing in the future, that's what Ben is hoping for.

He attacks them with that hope, but he is also having fun. His eyes are moving around rapidly to look at his targets and scan his surroundings. Ben utilizes all his senses to face all these opponents who surround him from all sides and attack him without any rest.

Spells with different attributes are flying toward him from all distances. But he handles them quite easily by mainly dodging them. Some spells can't be dodged though, so he breaks through them forcefully. Spells that can't be dodged are mostly used to immobilize opponents and they aren't powerful usually, so he can break them.

Many Mages are using fast spells that get activated almost instantly. But Ben can react to them quite easily and dodge them with his monstrous reflex. Attacks come from everywhere, but he can react to all of them.

Ben jumps away to evade a sucking ground that looks like an antlion trap. But when he jumps, 5 big magic shots of different elements fly toward him. There is a fire attribute spell among those 5 that comes from Natsu.

So Ben immediately plunges his right foot into the fire spell. Then he swings his right leg around to kick the other 4 attacks. Natsu's fire covers his right foot and helps him destroy the other spells. His foot is alright because the fire can't hurt him, it helps him instead.

After landing, Ben immediately runs toward the closest opponent who has awaited him along with other Mages. He grabs the man's shirt and throws him to a woman behind. Then Ben punches the man with a strong punch that is strong enough to damage even the woman.

Both of them fly back quite fast and hit some more people. Ben then sends a high kick to the back. He hits a man's chin while avoiding a sword slash to his neck. Then he puts his hands on the ground and spreads his legs before spinning his body to kick everyone who has gotten too close to him.

His attacks keep flowing and he jumps using his hands toward a man who is stopped by the kicked people. Ben clamps the man's head with his feet and uses the man to raise his body. He flips his body backward and pulls the man with him.

The man gets pulled into the air as Ben flips backward. Ben raises him quite high before throwing him to the ones behind before landing. No one expected such acrobatic attacks from Ben, so they are not ready for it and they get hit by the thrown man.

But they are still not giving up because it has just started. They attack Ben again using their magic and battle skills that have been polished in real battles. Their spirits make Ben grins excitedly as he rushes toward them again.

Ben slides on the ground to evade a lot of magic spells launched at him. Then he propels himself to the left to avoid some metal spikes coming out of the ground. He lands on a man who is preparing a spell, disrupting the man's spell, and uses the man to jump to another side of the crowd.

His jump power is high, so he shoots the man away and reaches his targets instantly. Ben grins as he sends a punch to a man standing in his horizontal jump path. It's a moderate punch that only takes out the man, but not enough to take out the ones behind.

A pair of buffed twin men have waited for him and they thrust their spears covered in darkness and wind magic. They thought Ben will evade their attacks just like he did before. But he catches their spears' handles and stops them just a few millimeters from his head.

The twin men try to move their spears, but they don't budge. They know it won't work, so they release their spears. But suddenly Ben thrusts their spears at them. They get hit by the spears' bottom, so they won't get pierced, even though the impact is great enough to take the air out of their lungs.

Ben flips the spears and breaks their spearheads to make them blunt weapons. They are just sticks now, but they look more dangerous than any weapons in Ben's hands. Not many people have ever seen Ben use weapons, even Fairy Tail Mages.

So they don't know how good he will be with weapons. But they all know that even if his skills are bad, his ridiculous physical power will cover his lack of skills. Too bad though, he can use weapons very well. He just rarely had the chance to use them because his bare hands are enough most of the time.

Ben spins the wooden sticks in his hands and says, "Come on! Make me use my magic. Squeeze every drop of your magic power!"

The Mages grit their teeth and start attacking Ben again. Their strategy is still the same as before. They just attack him with whatever they have from any distance they are comfortable with. There's no teamwork whatsoever, they just do what they want.

However, there is a strange thing in this 1 vs many battle event. The 8 teams, Wizard Saints, and some renowned Mages have not attacked Ben so far. They are still observing from the back and don't make any move at all.

Ben grins seeing them because he knows they want to observe him first to make strategies. Besides, they can't coordinate their attacks with so many people. Against a force like Ben, some high-ranking Mages are much better than hundreds or thousands of average Mages.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 419 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 430 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)