427. War Against The Dragons

Ben gives his signal and the Dragon hunters start their attack. He only looks from behind though because he will focus on Acnologia now. The Acnologia in this timeline is far stronger than the one he fought in his timeline, after all. Also, this Acnologia still has complete limbs despite having a big scar across his body.

Ben can't be reckless to fight the current Acnologia. He can't afford to lose energy by fighting the other Dragon Kings before fighting Acnologia. Before seeing Acnologia, he was confident he could defeat all the Dragons alone even if it was hard, but now he's glad he took these Mages to assist him.

So he orders the Mages to attack the other Dragons while he focuses on Acnologia. The Dragon hunters split into groups to attack the Dragons. All Dragon Slayers are attacking the Dragon Kings while the normal Dragons are attacked by the non-Dragon Slayers. They are powerful enough to kill these injured normal Dragons without the Dragon Slayers, after all.

Each normal Dragons only gets attacked by 10 Dragon Hunters, but it's enough. The remaining Dragon Hunters are attacking the Dragon Kings with the Dragon Slayers being the main attackers. They have trained against many Dragons, so they already have good strategies.

Wendy is leading the battle against Irene. Ben has told her to specifically attack Irene because both of them are Enchantresses. She will be able to handle Irene's magic better than anyone else. Irene is the most troublesome enemy here because she can strengthen the other Dragons.

The other Dragon Slayers split to attack the 12 Dragon Kings. Ben has assigned them to 12 teams using telepathy right before they attack. He also gives them help through telepathy. Their opponents are Dragon King levels, so this will be very dangerous.

Ben wants to fight Acnologia later after the other fights have turned in their favor. But Acnologia has another thought and decides to attack Ben right away. Ben clicks his tongue and creates some clones to help the ones who fight the normal Dragons so that they'll finish their battles faster and then help the ones who fight the Dragon Kings.

"Damn, impatient bastard." Ben jumps toward Acnologia who flies above them and gets ready to shoot his Dragon's Roar. It isn't a Dragon Roar that can be taken lightly because Acnologia is going all out for this attack.

However, Ben doesn't need to face it head-on because it will take a lot of power to stop such an attack. So he flashes to Acnologia's left face and punches Acnologia's face very hard using his full power too. His punch flings Acnologia's head to the right, making the Dragon's Roar shoots to a mountain far away.

The mountain gets destroyed instantly, showing how powerful that attack was. The Dragon Hunters are surprised by how powerful Acnologia's attack was. But the Dragons and even Acnologia are surprised by how Ben could push Acnologia like that.

"Let's take this somewhere else, Acnologia."

Ben's body glows very brightly and suddenly he transforms into a massive Golden Dragon. His transformation surprised every single person there, even his friends & family. He never transformed into his Dragon form since he arrived in this timeline, after all.

After transforming, Ben grabs Acnologia and takes him away. Ben doesn't want to fight Acnologia here because their battle will surely cause a lot of damage and disturb the others. It will be fine if the other Dragons get killed by the impacts, but his people are there too, so they'll also get hit, that's why he needs to leave.

But before he leaves, he orders his clones to end the battle against the 6 normal Dragons quickly. They do as ordered and start taking over the battles. The clones have received more power from Ben, so now they can use stronger attack spells.

But their power is still limited as they are just clones. So they use their limited power to give as much damage as possible to the normal Dragons. The normal Dragons have been injured, so it won't be too difficult to defeat them.

It will be the Dragon Hunters' job to defeat them and the clones will still just assist them. They are attacking the Dragon's legs & wings to obstruct the Dragons' mobilities. With their super speed, the clones can cut the Dragons' tendons on the legs & wings very quickly.

After getting their legs & wings damaged like that, the normal Dragons can only take the Dragon Hunters' attacks. The Dragons try to attack by shooting beams from their mouths. But the Dragon Hunters attack before the Dragons can shoot their Roars.

The Dragon Hunters attack the Dragons' necks using their Dragon weapons when the Dragons are preparing their Roars. Their attacks are lethal and make the Dragons fail to create the Roars. The Dragon Hunters keep attacking with the help of Ben's clones and they kill the 6 normal Dragons after attacking relentlessly at a fast pace.

Although the 6 normal Dragons have been injured by Ben's massive attack before, their defeat still surprises the Dragon Kings because it's so fast. The Dragon Kings haven't even fought properly, but the normal Dragons have been defeated. Now they realize that they've been underestimating the Dragon Hunters too much.

"You look wary now, Dragons. Did you think that we can't fight you like how Ben nii-san fought you? Well, we can't fight like him because we are not as strong as him. But rest assured, we can defeat you anytime like him."

Wendy grins while provoking the Dragon Kings who has gotten more serious now. She prefers fighting them seriously from the beginning than later after they fight for a while. Everyone is still full of energy now, so they can use their full power. But if they fight seriously after a while, then they would've gotten rather tired already and can't use their full power.

The Dragon Hunters have gotten much stronger, but their opponents are the Dragon Kings now. Only some of them have the power to subdue the Dragon Kings, and those people's chances of winning are not high either. So they can't drag the battles against Dragon Kings for too long because not all of them can fight that long against these levels of enemies.

"Everyone, let's not hold anything back."

Wendy says that while activating her Dragon Force. White aura covers her whole body, her blue hair turns white, and so are her pupils. There's no normal draconian feature on her body like other Dragon Forces, probably because Grandeeney's body was covered by fur rather than thick scales like other Dragons.

But it's not just Wendy who's activating her Dragon Force. The other Dragon Slayers except for the 5th generation Dragon Slayers are activating their Dragon Forces too. Activating Dragon Force is risky for the 5th generation and they still can't find any solution, that's why Ben forbids them to transform unless it's urgent because they can turn into Dragons.

But well, Elefseria also doesn't activate his Dragon Force. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's because he can't. He has become a Dragon already, so his only transformation is turning into his Dragon form. The current him has returned to his peak self after Ben gave him a magic heart, so now he is facing a Dragon King alone.

The war of 12 Dragon Kings against hundreds of Mages has finally started for real. Wendy boosts all the Dragon Hunters while Irene strengthened the Dragon Kings. They are not holding back from the beginning because they know they'll lose if they hold back.

Both sides start to clash and the impacts of their clashes are very powerful. The impacts can even be heard by Ben and Acnologia who have gone very far from them. Ben has dragged Acnologia to the middle of the ocean even though they were in the middle of the continent before. They fly quite high above the sea in their Dragon forms while staring at each other.

"You dragged me quite far."

"I don't want to destroy the continent that I want to save, you know. Also, I don't want people to see how ferocious I am in a real battle."

"Hah, you seem very confident. I failed to kill you last time, so I will do it now, and I'll make sure you die today."

"Ooh, how intimidating. Should I shiver and cry for help in the corner?"

"Bastard, I'll really kill you?"

"Really? Then why don't you do it rather than keep talking about it? Just attack already, you dumb shit! I don't know the one who claimed himself as the true Dragon King only knows how to talk."

Acnologia gets very pissed and roars before he rushes toward Ben. He sends a powerful magic-coated headbutt and Ben also sends his magic-coated headbutt. They clash and it creates a massive impact that even splits the seawater below until the seafloor is visible, the clouds also get pushed very far away.

This is why Ben doesn't want to fight on land since he realized Acnologia's current power. Even their first clash would've destroyed their surrounding if they fight on land. This is a more destructive battle than even Ben's fight against Acnologia in his timeline. This is truly a world-destroying battle.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 475. Holding On (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)