428. Stronger Acnologia

Acnologia backs off and shoots a powerful Dragon Roar at Ben who responds by shooting his Sun Dragon Roar too. Their Dragon Roars clash in the middle and push each other. But no one gets the upper hand and the clash turns into a massive explosion.

The impact of this explosion is bigger than before, although not as big as the Dragon Lacrimas' explosion. It's still enough to create a big hole in the sea below them and even destroy a big part of the deep seafloor. Both of them are using a lot of power, that's why their clash could create this level of damage.

Ben flies at a high speed to attack Acnologia. He is very fast despite his massive & heavy body while activating his Dragon form. Ben reaches Acnologia in a second and starts attacking the latter who doesn't seem surprised with Ben's speed.

It is Ben who gets surprised though because he attacks Acnologia with fast attacks, but the black dragon can respond to his attacks fairly well. Acnologia has gotten faster too now that he can match Ben's speed. Ben's attacks look blurry because of how fast they are, but Acnologia can match those attacks' speed.

Acnologia can even react to feint attacks and surprise attacks. It feels very unreal for Ben to see Acnologia move this fast. Furthermore, it seems Acnologia can move even faster. Right now, Acnologia is even faster than the Speed Dragon that Ben killed before.

Ben keeps observing Acnologia to understand the Black Dragon's current power more. Quorra also scans Acnologia to give Ben more accurate data. And after a while, Ben finally can see Acnologia's stats that have improved so much. All his estimated stats are now higher than Ben's stats in Dragon form.

[Name: Acnologia

MP: 15,000,000

STR: 12,000

AGI: 10,000

STA: 15,000]

[Name: Ben Cooper (Dragon Form)

MP: 11,206,001/11,352,973

STR: 8,837

AGI: 9,975

STA: 10,524

INT: 17,935]

Quorra can't do an accurate reading on Acnologia's current power, so it's just estimated data. She can't read his intelligence stat too, but it doesn't matter because the most important thing is his magic power. He has twice more magic power than the one Ben fought in his timeline, while Ben hasn't reached that level, so it's quite worrying.

But Ben has a principle that lower stats doesn't always determine the result of battles. Battle skills are also very important and Ben is very confident in his battle skills. Now that he has a grasp of Acnologia's power, he can think of how to handle Acnologia.

He just needs to understand Acnologia's abilities in battle. With more power, Acnologia surely can do more things. Even with such big gaps in stats, Ben is sure he can win this battle if he knows more about Acnologia. Besides, he is sure that Irene also buffed Acnologia's stats using enchantment, so Acnologia's actual battle power is lower than this.

'I hope Wendy can defeat Irene quickly. Defeating Acnologia will be a lot more difficult if he still has Irene's enchantments.'

Ben attacks Acnologia using one of his most powerful spells. The spell creates a house-sized solar ball which then explodes right above Acnologia and engulfs the black Dragon. It has very high destructive power and temperature that it would gravely injure the past Acnologia or kill normal Dragons.

However, for the current Acnologia, this attack isn't even enough to damage him. Acnologia created a strong magic barrier to protect himself from the explosion. It gets destroyed after a while, but it reduces the explosion power, and the remaining power can't break through his scales.

"As I thought, Irene used enchantments on him."

Ben said that because he could sense a defense enchantment being activated when the explosion engulfed Acnologia. He is a master enchantment himself, so he surely can understand one when he sees it, and he knows the enchantments that Irene made for Acnologia are exceptionally powerful.

'No, I think it's because it's Acnologia who uses the enchantments, that's why they become very powerful. The effects of those enchantments are exceptional because they are used on him. Damn, why would Irene even join hands with Acnologia? She was the Queen of Dragnoff who fought against Dragons until she became a Dragon herself. But now she allies herself with Dragons.'

Ben looks at Acnologia and he immediately stops thinking about Irene's reason. After all, Acnologia who has killed almost all Dragons in the past is now ruling the Dragons. People can change and Irene isn't an exception. Besides, it's her choice to save her life by joining the Dragons that can kill everyone including her.

But then again, she should be ready to face the consequence of taking that choice. Joining the Dragons mean that she is now being a target of the Dragon Hunters. Wendy's team is attacking Irene now and they are not losing their grounds.

Wendy is facing Irene head-on in her Dragon Force form while the others are supporting her by attacking Irene from all sides. There is no other Dragon Slayer in Wendy's team. She alone is enough to hold Irene and gives her teammates chances to attack.

Currently, she is the 3rd strongest Dragon Slayer and individual in the Dragon Hunter group. Only Ben and Elefseria are stronger than her. If Elefseria doesn't get the magic heart from Ben, then she would be the 2nd strongest after Ben.

But Wendy has a trump card that can make her rival Elefseria's power. She can't use it for too long though, that's why she doesn't use it now because it will be her final choice. After she used that, then she will be powerless, so she can't use it too early.

Right now, Wendy is flying using a pair of magic wings made of wind. Her feet are covered by spinning wind that forms small wind drills with sharp blades and pointy tips. While her hands are covered by Sky Dragon's magic aura that forms sharp claws.

She attacks Irene who's still in her Dragon form at close range. With her small size and good mobility, Wendy can evade Irene's attacks easily. She can attack Irene very easily too because Irene's body is too big, so Wendy can target her easier.

Irene also realizes that, so she chooses to use her human form after getting hit many times. Surprisingly, Irene's body is covered in red tattoos like Acnologia who has blue tattoos in his human form. It's very different from Irene's past human form that made her look like her original human appearance.

"You look similar to Acnologia in human form."

"You are right, little girl. If Zeref didn't die and his enchantment still works, then I would look normal without these red dragon tattoos. But it's still better than having dragon scales while transforming into my human form."

Irene smirks while summoning her long staff and points it at Wendy who still floats in the air. The Dragon Hunters in Wendy's team are rushing toward Irene, but she just smirks. Then she stabs her staff into the ground right when they almost reach her.

They suddenly disappear and reappear quite far from her. But every 2 of them appear facing each other while still in attacking motions. They are surprised, but they can't stop their attacks. It makes their weapons that were intended to hit Irene now hit each other instead.

Wendy widens her eyes in surprise, but she uses healing magic on them quickly because their injuries are quite severe. She thought that Irene was using teleportation on them. But she quickly realizes that Irene was actually changing the terrain and moved the others by moving the ground itself.

How can she know that? It's because everything around them changes. It includes the other Dragons and Dragon Hunters that have also disappeared. Wendy looks around and then she sees or hears battle impacts from different locations away from them.

"You separated us?"

"Yeah, I received an order."

Irene says that while pointing at her brain which makes Wendy frowns. This means that the Dragons are communicating with each other all this time. She assumes they use telepathy to communicate while fighting.

The Dragons are separating the Dragon Hunters to stop them from helping each other. Previously, the Dragon Hunters who have formed different teams would still help each other. They support other teams that have a hard time against the Dragons.

It was like they are actually still one big team that fight against multiple opponents. Their great teamwork was very problematic for the Dragons before. That's why they asked Irene to separate them. Besides, the Dragons are individual fighters, so they prefer to fight separately from the others.

Wendy attacks Irene again after she's done healing her teammates to rather good conditions. She doesn't heal them completely because it would take too much energy. So she just heals them to the point where they can fight again.

But she stops them when they are about to attack Irene again. "Everyone stay back! I will fight her alone, you guys stay back and get ready to support me anytime. It will be dangerous to attack together because she might do that again, so stay back and observe her."

"You sure are confident, little missy. But aren't you looking down on me too much?"

"We will so who's looking down on who later. Prepare yourself to get beaten up, old hag."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 476. Power of Friendship (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)