[Bonus chapter]Old Mak's Story.

"Welcome, Megalodon Sebastian".

Sebastian just couldn't forget this sentence by the enormous Great White Shark, it kept on echoing and ringing in his mind like alarm bells and for real this time, he was alarmed.

"How did he discover so easily that I'm a Megalodon? Did I leave any clue behind? Will they not accept me because of that? Will I be killed? Is my death already being plotted as we speak?"

Sebastian was spooked and scared out of his wits as assumptions started filling his brain. This cave was too infested with Great White Sharks, even with his current strength, escaping safely was an impossible task to him.

Amid his panic, the alpha shark spoke again, this time in an amused tone. "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you".


"Are you wondering how I knew that you already evolved to become a Megalodon?" Saying that name again, the alpha shark's face changed slightly, revealing a look of longing but it quickly went back to normal.