Evaluation And The 3 Shark Elders.

Well, he shouldn't have asked in the first place because now he felt awkward. Sebastian didn't know the right way to react to Old Mak's answer, in the end, he simply shone his teeth to form a wild smile before turning to scurry away.

Seeing the shark disappear, Old Mak revealed a sharky smile before turning to face his favorite wife. "I think I like him already; he reminds me so much of my best friend. He's freakishly talented, inquisitive, and handsome".

Heareth replied to that with a smile before she swam out of her platform. "I'm going to the veteran chamber; I'll be needed there for his evaluation".

"Ok". Old Mak gave his consent before also swimming away into the depths of the throne. It took only a few seconds before he was quickly consumed by the darkness there.

As soon as Sebastian passed through the pitch-black wall back outside into the expansive side of the cave, he saw a Great White Shark swimming across.