A Strange Metal Shark.

Grii! Grii!

From behind one of the rock platforms that jutted out of the walls, this new predator emerged, blowing Sebastian and his 2 team members' minds away. All of them held their breaths in shock as they looked on at this new predator.

This new predator was a shark, but its body was not fleshy like other sharks, its body was covered with a metal surface. The loud griing sound was that of its revving engine as it powered its massive frame.

It was in the shape of a normal Great White Shark; the only problem was that all the features of a shark that it had were all metal. It didn't only have the features of a normal shark, it had adaptations too.

Its body was mechanical in a way that made it seem like a huge shark machine. From the mechanical openings around its body, blue energy glowed which also reflected in the eyes of this metal shark.