A Bitter Battle- Sustaining A Serious Injury!

[You have activated skill: Crushing Bite!]


[You have dealt staggering damage to your opponent.]

[You have dealt 30% additional lightning damage to your opponent.]

It seemed that the sudden stacked damage from the 3 sonic drills to the crushing bite startled the metal shark as its red eyes flickered warily before turning yellow and calculative.

Sebastian didn't pay attention to this little detail. Unlike the sweet metallic feeling of blood that he always felt on digging his teeth into prey, this time all he felt was oil and hard metallic objects.

He ignored this detail still, all he aimed for at this moment was dealing even more damage to this blasphemy shark.

Without hesitation, Sebastian took the battle to the next level.

[You have activated skill: Empowered Dorsal Fin.]

[You have activated skill: Empowered Tail Fin.]

[You have activated skill: Spike Attack.]

[You have activated skill: Shredding Bite!]