The Mysteries Of Evolution [2].

"The second most important factor for the purple tier breakthrough is your physical core or qi".

"During your evolution to the white tier, I believe that you got the magic organ mutation. The magic organ is one, but it has 2 phases, one phase is the physical empowerment while the other is the material magic manifestation".

"The physical empowerment phase of the magic organ is the pivotal point that creates physical qi, but not the only point that creates it".

"As you evolve through the tiers as a predator, there is something referred to as qi which slowly develops alongside you".

"The modern era calls it the core, but the old era called it qi".

"Qi is an important aspect of the purple tier breakthrough".

"Qi is ethereal, it cannot be seen, it can only be felt. Of the numerous magic domains in Oceania, only one directly mobilizes the power of qi".

"The Mind or Soul magic domain".