My Name Is Tonado.

"What?" This exclamative word repeatedly echoed in Sebastian's mind.

The significance of the word that the old toad just mentioned was so important and personal to him that Sebastian was left dumbfounded, confused, before finally turning to panic.

How did he know? Is my identity already exposed? Is this the effect of some skill? Sebastian's mind was filled with suspicion and panic as chaotic ideas upon ideas to rationalize the old toad's words kept on bombarding his mind.

Since he transmigrated to this world, this was the first time that someone called him by this term. As something that his system set as a goal for him, he was especially sensitive to it.

He already regarded it as one of his greatest secrets, so now that it seemed like it was exposed, he fell into panic.

Throughout his inner struggle, the old toad remained silent and at the same position, a position like it was prostrating before Sebastian.