Battle For The Inheritance; Hidden Monsters!

"Secure the inheritance entrance, now!"

"Secure the inheritance entrance, now!"

This sentence kept on reverberating through the minds of the Atlantian soldiers, it kept on agitating them, they wanted to wake up immediately but they could not which was frustrating.

While the inheritance spread a feeling of desire into the predators, it placed an illusion curse on the Atlantians which only Captain Omega was able to break free from after just a few seconds.

This was an illusion curse that could be broken faster if the target had extremely strong willpower that was trained with time or was stimulated by strong emotions like loyalty, fear, or anger.

While the remaining Atlantian soldiers suffered against this, the predators directly went on a rampage since they were not restricted.

Boom! Boom!

A stampede! This was a water-mutated beast stampede!