Emergence Of The Space Beast!

"A Purple-tier Mutated Chameleon!"

Seeing this sea monster who despite having revealed its animosity was still in a shape that made it seem like one of his warships, Captain Omega's face turned even more livid as the muscles in his bald head shifted ominously.

On earth, according to Sebastian's knowledge, chameleons were only capable of changing the color of their body to blend with their surroundings.

That was on earth though, this was Oceania, the laws were vastly different, this was a world in which rules were defined by the origin magic. This was a magic world that could not be explained by human understandings.

Here, predators could do things that were vastly more advanced than the basic due to evolutions, skills, and adaptations.

This purple tier mutated Chameleon was one of these advanced predators. As it evolved, apart from changing the color of its body to blend with the surroundings, it also learned a skill to adapt its body shape.