
"So, you're the shark who says you want to be an anatomist?"

"Not that ma'am, I want to work here as an anatomist". Sebastian answered the huge crab's question with a wide predatory smile on his face that spooked every other anatomist in the lab.

The reason for being spooked was not anything complicated. Of all the anatomists in the anatomist department of the Aurora Hospital, none of them were sharks or were related to sharks.

The reason for this was even more self-explanatory. Throughout history, sharks were known for savagery and predatism, nothing else.

The prospect of a huge Great White Shark suddenly becoming their colleague was so frightening to these anatomists that they all freaked out.

"This is not a contest to see who has the sharper teeth, damn!"

Though none of these anatomists spoke, their restrained nature revealed a lot, they kept cursing in their minds, not that Sebastian gave a damn though.