The Anatomy Department.

"Hi, J.C, welcome to work".

"Thanks, miniman".

It seems that the dread of getting to work with an enormous Megalodon lingered for only the first day Afterall. When Sebastian reported to work for the first time, he saw an unexpected reception from his colleagues.

The anatomists of different species no longer saw him as an alien. Once they confirmed that he was legit, they dropped all their previous opinions on him.

Sebastian was still the largest in the whole department, and by a significant margin at that but this was not enough to deter his colleagues.

Birds of a feather flock together, this quote was accurate at this moment. Apart from the few clownfish, the others were all from different species, but they were all tied together by their love for anatomy.

Researching and examining the body of different species was their daily job, dissecting was their life, and this was their common ground.