Life As An Anatomist.

Sebastian woke up after a long refreshing night's sleep.

Of the different divisions of the anatomy department, the residential quarter was the only place that Miniman didn't take Sebastian to. This was because this was where all the anatomists slept.

Taking him here was akin to violating the privacy of the other anatomists. Miniman didn't even need to explain what it stood for, the residential quarter was also self-explanatory, it was simply the sleeping quarters of the anatomists.

After the tour, Sebastian had to find his way here himself.

On getting here, it did not take much time for him to blend in with his colleagues. Of course, his colleagues meant the other junior anatomists.

According to their ranks in the department, the residential quarters were segmented to accommodate them all. Once Sebastian went in with his colleagues, a lot of other common knowledge about the department was explained to him.