Sebastian's First Day At Work.

"Our topic of discussion today is the Centaur".

Lead Anatomist Craban's voice was loud as she addressed the dozens of anatomists that were floating before her in the main anatomy lab.

This time, hidden mechanical mechanisms in the main lab were activated as huge metallic chains extended down from the ceiling, bringing down and holding the gigantic body of a deadly predator in place for examination.

This extremely huge mutated beast had the upper body of a regular variant human and the lower body and legs of a magic horse.

"This is the Centaur". Doctor Craban continued.

"This is a huge predator whose specific genus, phylum, and species have been debated a lot of times in heated arguments between anatomists".

"Most variant humans believe that the powerful Centaur is a variant human, just a highly divergent one like the snowmen. While of course, mutated beasts believe that the powerful Centaur is one of them".

"Both sides have arguments…"