Meeting Eliana, The Motherf*cker Lord.

Once Sebastian confirmed that no hostilities came from calling her what he knew, he became bolder as he asked her the most nagging question in his mind.

"Are you an earthling?"

The clownfish gave him a sideways glance. "Have your brain been muddled by so much killing and cannibalism that you don't recognize a fellow earthling anymore when you see one?"


"Forget it". The clownfish waved her small fin. "Yes, I am an earthling".

This opening conversation was indeed weird, but it set the mood in the right order. As a Megalodon, Sebastian could not sit in normal chairs, and he did not have any custom-made throne like hers, so he could only hover before her.

Then, an awkward silence stretched between the both of them.

Sebastian had to admit that seeing the real thing hit hard than just guessing or even knowing it.