The Truth.

"You know, reincarnation saved our lives".

Sebastian was about to say that he knew that, but he refrained from interjecting because his intuition told him that this sentence was deep and meant more than he could see on the surface.

"Have you heard of the Atlantian legend of the Great Fall?"

"No". Eliana answered on his behalf and Sebastian could not refute since she was correct. "The Atlantian legend of the Great Fall perfectly describes what happened to our previous world after our reincarnation".

"Earth is no more".

"I know that by now, you must have guessed that variant humans are mutated versions of the previous you and I".

"You are correct, they all came here after the Great Fall".

Eliana took her time and told Sebastian all that she knew about the Atlantian legend of the Great Fall before she continued.

"Through my findings, the legend is correct, only the time frame is wrong since the variant humans came here before us".