The Present..., Life Or Death?

"I'm tired of running, if we're going to die, let's all die together!"

On hearing this, Big Group was stunned for a time.

After joining the group, Canana, the first leader drilled the need to survive to see the present of today into their heads so much that each time any of their leaders decided to sacrifice his life for them, they simply escaped.

This was what Canana taught them, and they did so every single time because there was always a leader to sacrifice for them.

Unknowingly to them, subconsciously, these subtle sacrifices have built a trust in them that was stronger than that between twins from the same mother's womb.

They trusted each other to the core, and they trusted their leaders even more. They would escape to see the present of today if there was someone to sacrifice for them, but it did not mean that they were afraid to die.