Rescue Operation; And A Familiar Face!

Big Group thought that he died, but did he really?

At the last moment before death, the feeling of warmth already fulfilled his most basic needs as he felt that this was a perfect feeling to experience before dying. He was ready to die without regrets but life always had something in store.

Life brought today's present to Big Group, and it was not death, rather, it was life. Today presented him with a 2-fold gift, it gave him life and hope.

While he still felt warmth all over, Big Group slowly grew suspicious. Even for a Grouper Fish like him who had never experienced death before, he had an idea of what it was and this was definitely not what he envisioned death to be.

Though he loved it if this was real, he knew that it was not. The vitality returning to his body told him that today's present was probably different from what he thought it to be.