Talent Breakthrough.

"…Remember, the will of the Sages is of good and not evil".

"…Remember, the will of the Sages is of good and not evil".

"…Remember, the will of the Sages is of good and not evil".

The story of Booma, the Ancient Megalodon finally came to an end. 

As the mighty body of this Ancient Megalodon slowly started fading into the background of this illusion realm like smoke, Sebastian also felt his consciousness beginning to drift away from this world as the last sentence became echoes.

After the incredibly thrilling story of the Ancient Megalodon, everything finally came to an end and Sebastian was now leaving.

He was already incarnated as a shark of the Ancient Megalodon bloodline.

As Sebastian's consciousness slowly drifted out of this world, Sebastian remained staring intensely at the mighty Ancient Megalodon as he wanted to imprint any tiny details that he could observe into his head.
