The Last Gathering Before Leaving.

The royal palace was the most luxurious part of the Great White Kingdom.

As the place of royalty where the chamber of the patriarch was built, it could be seen as a landmark of the city. The royal palace was the pride of this high-grade rural settlement, and it was also where the royal children lived.

Unlike the Anemone Domain, the Great White Kingdom was a more advanced high-grade rural settlement with a powerful Red tier predator like Domino as their patriarch.

Though Domino was not as strong as Eliana, he was stronger than the chief councilor of the Anemone Domain and the Ancient Basilisk of the Snake Kingdom.

Apart from Domino, the Great White Kingdom had 10 other Red tier predators. They also had over 150 purple tier predators which were frightening.

Of these pinnacle predators that represented the high-grade rural settlement, the majority of them were the children of the patriarch.