Sebastian Warriors Army!

Outside the massive city of the Great White Kingdom, the patriarch of this powerful Kingdom hovered as he personally sent his son away on his journey.

After leaving some of them to the Firelight Shark Clan, Sebastian's entourage now had 12 warships to ferry them about and engage in their wars.

These warships were the 10 warships that were provided by his dad, the Annihilator warship provided by Captain Omega, and 1 warship of the Demon Inter-racial bounty organization taken from the bounty hunters.

These 12 warships together formed a powerful lineup.

As Sebastian's main body hovered before the 12 massive warships, he started reminiscing about his journey all the way from about 8 months ago.

In less than a year since he reincarnated into this world, Sebastian grew from being a young Great White Shark who was led by a white tier turtle to being a powerful purple tier Megalodon with 2 powerful living doppelgangers.