End Of A Journey, Leaving The Green Mist Sea.

At the last moments of the battle between Sebastian and Master Red Mask, Captain Omega and the others got a better glimpse into the power of their leader.

At this moment, they all felt that Sebastian was a deep ocean of mysteries that they could never solve, Sebastian was too abnormal to be understood.

To them, their leader was a Pandora's box full of secrets.

This battle revealed to Captain Omega and the others how fortunate they were to have decided to surrender. Or else, they would have died since no miracle could save them from the fangs of this venomous Megalodon.

In the battle against the masked Master, Sebastian showed great power and conviction, managing to fight a bonafide Red tier predator to a standstill.

Captain Omega had seen other purple tier predators fighting Red tier predators, he also survived an encounter with a Red tier predator, but having encountered it once did he know the great divide between the tiers.