The Dungeon Of Souls!

After 8 months spent in the Green Mist Sea, Sebastian was finally about to leave this Great Sea to further his ambitions in this world.

He felt surreal, everything still felt like a dream to him.

Sebastian remembered 8 months ago when he was still struggling to survive an encounter against a white tier Blue Tang fish, he was really pathetic then.

He remembered his journey as he slowly rose to the purple tier realm. He remembered all the memorable encounters, all the unforgettable battle encounters, and the friends and enemies that he made along the way.

He remembered when he just met Eliana, he remembered how he felt and how he later felt after she revealed the truth about this world to him.

He remembered when he finalized his decision to go to the Dungeon of Souls, he always had this insecurity that his strength then was not enough but now, he was a whole new beast than he was a few weeks ago.