The Interview.

On arriving back at the Dungeon of Souls, Trinidad took all of them straight to the home of the legendary Veiled Healer since they didn't want to waste time.

The Veiled Healer was already waiting for them.

Once she arrived at the home of this predator who Sebastian praised with such esteem and raised to such a high pedestal, Queen Heareth was humbled as for the first time in her life, she met a superior beast with her magic domain.

In a literal sense, they had different magic domains but the utility of both magic domains was the same. 

No 2 healing magic domains were completely the same.

Queen Heareth did not dare to look at the face of the massive Starfish. Even she was shocked by the fact that this legendary healer was a Starfish, but none of these was able to diminish her respect for her.

"What is your name?" The Veiled Healer asked with a booming voice.

"My name is Heareth?"