Joining The War!

Queen Heareth was the first to be slashed from Sebastian's help book.

The legendary Veiled Healer was a powerful, well-known, and well-connected beast. Sebastian believed that under her care, Queen Heareth would be safe no matter how turbulent Oceania becomes in the near future.

How high she could rise in the hierarchy of the Veiled Healer's clique now completely relied on the Queen. Her efforts would determine her gains.

Sebastian believed that Queen Heareth could succeed. Every purple tier predator had willpower that was stronger than every predator that was below the purple tier, but this was not the only boost that Queen Heareth had.

Queen Heareth's life so far was one that was filled with rollercoasters.

She started her life as a relatively normal Great White Shark with not many exceptional traits. She was seen as your normal everyday average Great White Shark, but her elder's perception of her changed after she got her magic domain.