Conquering The Blood Wreckage! [2]

[You have activated skill: Rasengan!]


Clam was any of numerous edible marine bivalve mollusks living in sand or mud back on earth, but as Sebastian expected, the term was defined a bit differently here as was depicted by the leader of this scavenger group.

The leader of the Clam Scavenger group was not a mere clam, this was a clam that had mutated numerous times to become a different monstrosity already.

This guy was now like a hybrid monstrosity between a turtle, a snail, a crab, and a typical clam. To Sebastian, he looked like an abomination.

Once Sebastian activated his Rasengan and as the rolling mana ball of death cleaved forward like an ax, the massive clam made a weird sound like whistling before folding its shell up as a blue glow surrounded its massive shell.