Conquering The Blood Wreckage! [3]

"Who dares to abduct my scavenger group?!"

Once this powerful voice reverberated in the Blood Wreckage like thunder, all the battling beasts mellowed down as they all felt like they were just drenched with ice that froze them even though they were already cold-blooded beasts.

A Black tier predator arrived!

This fact was so shocking to the beasts here that they froze completely. News that some of the biggest scavenger teams were backed by Black tier predators was not new, but they were still shocked to see one of them arriving.

In Oceania, Black tier predators were such lofty figures that they were literally invincible and invisible to weaker predators.

Some Red tier predators had never seen Black tier predators all their lives, these were creatures of myth to them but today they met one.

Perhaps among everyone here, Sebastian was the only one that was not surprised as the massive pitch-black Crane descended on the Blood Wreckage.